38 ~ September

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"I thought you were at Stanford." Is all I manage to stutter out. His hair is slightly shorter, his ocean coloured eyes just as piercing as I remember, his body still something that has been sent from the Heavens which is ironic considering he comes from Hell. His eyes are pinned on mine, wide with surprise.

"You too." He replies, looking as startled as me.

"You know her?" Laura chimes, grinning as she glances between us. I can't find the ability to look away, the shock of him being here freezing me in place. I never thought I'd see him again.

"She went to my high school." Brett explains, briefly glancing over at Laura.

"I wish I hadn't." I retort, crossing my arms.

"Still bitter ay Hurst?" He smirks and I scoff, still unable to tear my eyes away.

"Do you blame me?"

"I guess not."

"You're still just as arrogant I see." I grimace, shifting on my feet, suddenly uncomfortable with my college choice. Christlington isn't even one of the prestigious universities, why is he here?

"Clearly something went down between the two of you." Laura says, eyes wide.

"I never wanted to see you ever again." I snap, taking a step closer to him, ignoring Laura. "And yet, here you are." I scoff, crossing my arms as I glare up at him. "Are you going to try and ruin my life again?"

"I didn't try to ruin your life."

"Could have fooled me!" I smirk, glancing him up and down. The year has treated him well, his body looking better than it did in high school, something I never thought was possible. Not letting him know I shoot a slightly disgusted look at him. "Stay away from me." I finish before turning away.

"Hey Sav!"

"Don't call me that." I snap, turning back round to face him, anger dominating my features. He stops, his expression sombre. "I never want to hear my name coming from your lips ever again. I mean it Brett. Stay the hell away from me." I finish before whirling around and storming passed the small crowd that's gathered, pushing them out of the way as I leave the house, descending the steps and muttering to myself as I begin to walk away.

How can this happen? How can this be happening to me? Somewhere Fate is sat laughing her head off at me - 'just when you thought you could finally get somewhere in life I'll throw the Devil back into it'. This is a cruel twist in my haunted life and I'm not sure what I've ever done to deserve it.

I spent a whole year blocking him from my mind, reminding myself that I deserved better, that he didn't even deserve for me to be thinking about him. I've spent a year cultivating my hatred for him, pushing the anger down. All it took was for one look at him for all the anger to resurface. Standing there with him in front of me all I wanted to do was throw a drink in his face, chuck him out of the party, slap him in the face. I showed severe restraint back there.

I'm at the same college at Brett Winters. The same college. I'm two hours away from home, two hours away from the cursed Edgewater Valley and yet he's here too. Fate decided that it was time to play with someone's life, and right now, I'm her biggest joke.

"Savannah!" Elena calls after me and I slow down, turning back to see her running towards me, stumbling slightly in her purple go-go boots. "Savannah wait!"

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