27 ~ July

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"Diner Girl!" Is all I hear as I stand up from behind the counter.

No way.

No, seriously. A Friday in July and they all choose to come in here, halfway through my shift. Why aren't they out on the football field or the basketball court? That's definitely more fun than being in here. I'm fairly certain sixty five percent of customers get food poisoning.

I turn around, my face blank as I take in the familiar group of jocks that have walked in, Brett standing in the center, his hands tucked into his letterman jacket.

"Don't call me that." I shoot back at Ellis, glaring. He holds up his hands in surrender.


"I have a name." I cut him off as they all take a seat in the booth by the door, Ellis rolling his eyes at me.

"I like this girl more and more." Chris grins.

"Me too." Brett agrees, never taking his eyes off me, a smile pinned onto his face. I can feel the blush flood my cheeks and internally curse Harry for insisting I wear the disgusting hair net that pins my hair away from my face, leaving my red cheeks on full display.

"What can I get you?" I ask, trying to hide my uncontrollable smile.

"Latte please." Ben smiles and I nod.

"Coca cola please." Liam orders and I smile. Turning to the others I take their orders quickly, Ben ordering a burger in addition to his drink.

"Are you coming to the party tonight?" Ellis asks, as I finish noting the order down. I look up, surprised to see them all staring at me.

"Me?" I squeak, pointing the pencil at myself. They want to know about me? Whether I'm going to a party?

"Yes." Ellis answers, looking at me like I've grown two heads.

"Probably not." I shake my head, looking back down at the notepad. Judging by past experiences I'm not sure these parties are my thing.

"Come on, it'll be fun!" Ben grins, nudging Ellis' shoulder.

"I don't..."

"I'm not taking no as an answer." Brett cuts me off and I stare down at him, eyes wide in surprise.

"What if I'm busy?"

"Cancel your plans, I'm more important." Brett smirks, sitting forward and smiling up at me. "I'll have a lemonade please."

"I.. uh.."

"Winters your girl is speechless!" Chris chuckles and I struggle to control myself, feeling my cheeks redden again, my legs turning to jelly. Girl... His girl? Brett's girl?

"I'll get your drinks." I manage to squeak out before turning and rushing back behind the counter, the sweat pooling on my forehead. They see me as Brett's girl? Is that what I am now? Has he told all of them about us? But if that's the case then what exactly has he told them? If he's told them everything then I swear we are over before we've even begun.

I hastily pour their drinks, my hands slightly shaky before I turn, taking the tray over to them, smiling as I approach.

"Here you go."

"Thanks Diner Girl." Ellis grins and I ignore him, turning away and placing the rest of the drinks down.

"Thanks." Liam smiles and I nod.

"Let me know if you need anything else."

"We will." Brett smiles at me and for the tenth time I feel my cheeks redden, looking away and walking back to the counter. Why can't I keep my cool around him?

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