48 ~ December

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"Do we have to go out?" Haydon moans as I attempt to pull him off the bed.

"Don't you want to spend the day with me?" I pout, letting go of his arm.

"Of course, I just can't be bothered. It's so cold out." He whines.

"It's nearly Christmas. The cold is fun." I argue, smiling at him. "We stayed in yesterday."

"Speak for yourself, I'm going to the Bahamas this year." He replies bluntly and I raise an eyebrow, turning away. Haydon doesn't mean it, but sometimes he can be so insensitive, especially about money. The boy has been handed everything on a plate and sometimes, you can tell.

"And I'm jealous as always!" I joke, walking over towards the window. I don't want him to see my expression and know that I truly am jealous of his family holiday and every time he brings it up it just reminds me that I'll be alone this year.

"Look, one day you'll be able to come with us." He promises, "I'm sure Becky wouldn't object."

"Definitely not!" I reply, teasing as I turn back around to face him, "She likes me more than you do."

"Hey!" He exclaims and I giggle. "Okay, fine I can't argue with that!" He laughs as someone knocks on the door. "Who's that?"

"I don't know." I reply as I walk over and grab hold of the handle. "Maybe Elena left her keys here yesterday? I haven't seen them lying around anywhere though..." I trail off at the sight at the door, my eyes widening in disbelief and anger.

"Sav?" Brett tries, looking sheepish as he shifts from one foot to the other.

"Wha..." I stutter. "What are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to apologize. I was in the wrong yet again. I never should have..." He trails off, straightening up at the sight behind me. I glance behind to see Haydon has joined me, his face like thunder. Just great. "Haydon." Brett greets, his voice lower now.

"Brett." Haydon nods his head, his tone icy. Brett turns his attention back to me as I fiddle with the sleeve on my top. I couldn't have come up with a more awkward situation to find myself in. Once more I have to thank Fate for her comedic sense of humor.

"So yeah, I'm sorry that I still haven't returned those books to you." Brett declares before taking a step back, nodding at Haydon and then disappearing back down the hall. I let the door shut slowly, dreading the storm that's about to hit from behind me.

"Books?" Haydon explodes as I turn to face him. "You expect me to believe Brett reads?"

"He does." I insist. I'm not lying.

"And I'm the King of England." Haydon scoffs.

"He does!"

"What the hell is he doing here Savannah?" Haydon snaps and I shrug.

"I don't know!"

"You don't know?"

"He borrowed the books and..."

"Shut up with all the lies!" He yells, cutting me off. "What is your ex-boyfriend doing at your door?"

"I don't know." I reply. Haydon shakes his head at me, grabbing hold of his bag and turning towards the door. "Haydon!" I yell, grabbing hold of his arm. "He keeps trying to talk to me, but I don't want him to!"

"I don't believe you." He snaps, turning back towards me. I let go of him, stepping back and looking up into his anger filled emerald eyes.

"Well it doesn't seem like you believe anything I say so why do I bother?" I retort, crossing my arms. I may be in the wrong but he doesn't know what happened two nights ago, and he is therefore overreacting.

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