84 - February

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And there you have it. Pregnant.

It's been five days since I took the test, five days since I collapsed on the floor in Becky's arms, somewhat happy but mainly scared. I always thought I'd be married before this happened, or at least in a relationship. I hoped that I would have someone who would learn the news with me, clutching my hand as we celebrated, helping with everything at every step of the way.

I wanted my career to be more secure before it happened, know that I could take time away from a job that I love with sufficient money to do so. Hell, I still don't even know what I want to do as a career for the rest of my life. Eric is not the kind of Boss I ever want to tell that I'm pregnant, there will be no understanding, no support. I don't want to work in this industry any longer than I have to, but now I'm stuck! How can I quit this job, knowing that I need to support not only myself, but a tiny helpless bundle of joy?

I thought I'd be more mature by the time it happened. I still feel like a teenager, but then again, I'm starting to wonder whether you ever actually start to feel like an adult?

Sitting in my office I stare at the diary in front of me, frozen in exactly the same position as I have been for the last forty five minutes, unable to concentrate.

A sudden knock sounds from my door way and I glance up, gently swiping my hair away from my face to see who's disturbing my already disturbed thoughts.

"Alice?" I exclaim.

"I just stopped in to pick up my dress." She grins, walking in as I hurriedly sit up straight and slam the diary shut, "I wanted to say hi whilst I wait for Brett!"

"He's picking you up again?" I manage to blurt out.

"Yeah, said he'd be free after his date." She smiles, making her way over and slouching down in the chair across from me.


"Oh yeah, he's back with this Lacey girl." She rolls her eyes. "She's a total nightmare."

"Lacey?" I unintentionally wrinkle my nose up at the name, "As in the cheerleader he used to go out with when he was playing football?"

"The... what?"

"I saw it in the media." I justify quickly and she smirks.

"Oh." She nods slightly, "Yeah." She grimaces, "Apparently she wants to give it another go."

"I see."

"I'm sure he won't go for it!" She says hurriedly and I raise an eyebrow. Does Alice think I care? "She was really needy..."

"Alice! It's fine."

"I don't believe you." She snorts, "Anytime a girl says something is fine, it isn't!"

"Well, Brett and I broke up over five years ago so..." I remind her, "Believe me, I'm fine." I declare before standing up and grabbing hold of the folders on my desk, piling them up and shoving them into my desk drawer.

"But you saw him at Christmas."


"He told me." She shrugs. He did what? "At the same resort?" She continues, "Surely that brought up some old feelings!"

"Alice, I have no intentions to date your brother." I advise her, shaking my head.

"Damn it." She groans, "You're still the best one!"

"Thank you." I can't help but chuckle slightly as she grins.

"He doesn't have a good track record."

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