13 ~ March

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"Where are you going?" Elle calls from the couch. I stop mid step, turning around wide eyed to look at her.


"Where are you going?" She repeats, crossing her arms, eyes full of suspicion.

"Out for a run." I reply, gesturing towards my outfit. I'm hardly going to dance in a strip club in this baggy running top.

"Why does it matter?" I ask, crossing my arms to mimic her.

"Because... I need to know where you are."

"I never used to tell you where I was every second of the day."

"Well it's different now." She scoffs and I turn around to face her. She doesn't trust me.

"Oh, really?"


"Because you don't trust me?" I snap and her eyes widen.


"Don't trust me." I finish for her.


"It's fine. I get it." I retort, and she purses her lips into a thin line. "Whatever. I'm leaving."

"No you aren't."

"What are you going to do? Lock me in my bedroom?" I taunt, smirking at her.

"No." She sighs, leaning back on the uncomfortable brown couch.

"Well then, I'll be off." I shrug, turning away once more.

"Why don't you get it?"

"I do get it!" I reply, my hand on the door handle. "I made a mistake." I open the door, calling back over my shoulder as I leave. "It's time to stop punishing me for it."

I'm stupid, I'm naïve and I put myself in danger. I get it. Why can't everyone just move on? Get over it. What happened to leaving stuff in the past? Looking forward to the future and second chances? Hypocrites, the lot of them.

I huff as I turn onto the street, speeding up into a brisk run. I used to hate running more than anything, couldn't think of anything worse. However, after my parents passed away I ran more and more, desperate for an escape, jogging back over to our old house and collapsing on the bench across from it, staring up at my old bedroom window. I'd sit there and reminisce over all the good memories I had, or I'd pretend they were still alive, ready to walk out and call me inside for dinner. Nowadays I barely go back there, the house has changed so much, I don't recognize it as mine. They painted it cream. Mom always hated cream.

Instead I run to get out of the tiny apartment, to obtain some space from my sister.

Turning down the next street, I can already feel my blonde hair falling out of the top knot I've pulled it into. My hair has always been completely out of my control. Just like my life.

I enter the woodland trail, pushing a branch out of the way as I continue along the muddy path away from the bustling town. Making my way through the forest, my mind is numb, blindly running in no particular direction. Before I know it I find myself looking up at the picturesque waterfall, my breath coming out fast and heavy.

I don't know how I've ended up here but I'm glad I did. Making my way over to a fallen log, I sit down on it and watch the waterfall, smiling at how peaceful it is.

It takes all of sixty seconds before I'm startled by the sound of a branch snapping behind me and I whirl around, my eyes wide, expecting to see a large wild animal readying itself to attack.

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