59 ~ March

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"Are you ready for this?" Brett asks, his hand in mine as we stand in the elevator, the floors quickly passing by.

"As I'll ever be." I attempt to smile up at him, "Are you?"

"As I'll ever be." He smirks and I squeeze his hand as the elevator dings, the door beginning to slide open. I'm greeted by the familiar grand entranceway and Brett walks out, dragging me behind him, our hands intertwined together.

"Brett!" His Mom breezes into the room wearing a red pencil skirt, her arms wide. Brett lets go of my hand as she pulls him into a hug. "Hello dear!" She smiles, standing back and glancing over at me.

"Mrs Winters!" I reply, smiling as she reaches out and pulls me into a hug. Brett smirks at my startled expression and I shoot him a glare before she pulls away.

"For the last time, it's Olivia!" She laughs dryly and I shift uncomfortably on my feet.

"Sorry... Olivia!" I manage.

"Tilda, get Savannah a white wine." She calls out and I suddenly notice the petite white haired girl in the corner who nods.

"Oh... uh thank..."

"Savannah doesn't like white wine." Brett cuts me off, wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Oh! Would you prefer a red?" Olivia asks, looking startled at her son.

"That would be lovely. Thank you." I reply before smiling thankfully up at Brett. She nods, gesturing to Tilda who promptly disappears down the corridor.

"Well, dinner is ready!" Olivia smiles, gesturing for us to follow her. Brett glances down at me, sending me a reassuring smile as he grabs onto my hand and leads me down the corridor. I don't feel comfortable at all in this house - it's almost a museum. I wouldn't dare touch anything, let alone sit on the gorgeous golden couch in the entrance way. Turning towards the dining room Alice appears and her face lights up at the sight of her brother, flying down the corridor towards him.

"Brett!" She exclaims, throwing herself into his arms, "I missed you!" She squeals as he lifts her up and whirls her around as I smile.

"I missed you too!" He replies, laughing as he sets her back down.

"You brought the pretty girl back again!" She exclaims, smiling at me, "Hello!"

"Hi!" I reply, grinning at her.

"Her name is Savannah." Olivia corrects her.

"My dinner is getting cold!" Brett's Dad's voice booms from the next room and I notice Brett tense immediately, his jaw taut. Alice runs into the dining room, quickly followed by Olivia as I reach over and give Brett a reassuring hand squeeze before we both enter.

"Sorry dear." Olivia smiles at her husband. He sits at the head of the table, his navy suit impeccably pressed. "Savannah, would you like to sit beside Brett?" She asks.

"Sure." I reply.

"Savannah." Mr Winters greets me, no emotion on his face.

"Mr Winters." I send him a small smile as I lower myself down onto the chair Brett has pulled out. "It's nice to see you again."

"I wasn't aware we were having guests." He retorts, glancing over at his wife. I swallow the small lump in my throat, already regretting accompanying Brett when I'm clearly not wanted.

"I invited her." Brett snaps back, sitting down next to me, his face full of hostility.

"It's lovely to see you Savannah." Olivia reassures, grinning widely at me.

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