73 ~ September

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"Where are we going?" I ask as we turn onto the highway in Brett's sports car, the deep thundering of the engine getting louder.

"You'll see." Brett grins at me before changing gear.

"Fine." I relent, slouching back in the seat and pouting.

"Stubborn Savannah isn't so stubborn these days, is she?" Brett teases and I can't help the small chuckle that leaves my lips.

"No." I admit, "Sometimes I don't mind not planning out our day anymore."

"You don't?" Brett exclaims, "Who are you, and what have you done with my girlfriend?"

"Shut up!" I giggle, reaching over and lightly shoving his shoulder.

I have no idea what's happened to me, or why I'm suddenly far more carefree than I ever have been before, but I have an inkling that it has something to do with my boyfriend.


"Edgewater Valley?" I ask as he turns off the freeway, disdain covering my features as I glance over at him.

"Trust me." Brett grins, laughing slightly at my expression.

"I'm starting to think we should have planned out our day." I reply, teasing.

"I have planned the day." He retorts and I feel my eyes widen.

"You have?"

"Yeah." He shrugs. Brett Winters, King of spontaneity and frustrating me to no end with his unorganized life, has planned out our day? What have I done to my boyfriend?

"Where are we going?" I push, not able to think of any redeemable place in Edgewater that I'd want to visit. "Brett?" I try but he ignores me once more, turning right, away from the center of town. I turn back towards the front and watch as the roads pass by, still unsure why he would drive this far just for a date. What's so special?

"Here." He announces, parking the car and immediately opening the door. I quickly follow, glancing around at the familiar woodland, a small stream babbling beside me as I smile slightly. Of course! How could I not think of this place? I was so worried about the actual town, I never thought about the beauty outside of it. Brett grabs a bag out of the trunk as I turn to look at him, a smile on my face.

"Are we..." I trail off, glancing up at the mammoth hill that faces me. "Going up..."

"Come on cheerleader." He nods towards the hill and I grimace at the old nickname. Is he serious? I'm wearing sandals today, not my trusty, sensible converse, and he didn't even warn me.

"What?" I mutter, glancing up at the steep, uneven path.

"Alright!" He huffs, smirking slightly before walking towards me. My eyes widen as he approaches quickly, picking me up, throwing me over his shoulder, the bag in his other hand.


"Let's go Savvie."

"Don't call me that!" I growl out. "Put me down!" I whine and he only laughs in response, taking a step into the thick undergrowth and making his way through the forest.

I know exactly where we are headed, yet once we get there and Brett places me onto my feet I can't help but stare up at the torrent of water that gushes into the pool at its base, the sound absolutely mesmerising. The sun shines through the trees, leaving parts of the pool to sparkle every other second. This. This is my favorite place in the world.

"It's still so beautiful." I muse, watching as the water flows down.

"It is." Brett agrees, "I'm happy I shared it with you."

The Test of Timeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें