42 ~ October

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Dragging the brush through my wavy blonde hair I smile to myself in the mirror before grabbing hold of some gold earrings and stuffing them into my ears.

"You're excited aren't you?" Elena exclaims, watching me from her cocoon of blankets in bed.

"I haven't seen him for nearly two weeks." I reply, "Of course I'm excited."

"I'm jealous," She muses, "I wish I had a boyfriend to visit me." She continues, grabbing hold of another blanket, "Maybe he'll bring you flowers?"

"I doubt it."

"Why? He's definitely missed you as much as you missed him." She points out.

"How do I look?" I ask.

"Absolutely gorgeous." She grins and I roll my eyes.

"You flatter me." I scoff, grabbing hold of my brown bag from the bed and hooking it over my shoulder. "Don't lose your keys today because I'm not coming back to let you in!"

"Already ahead of you!" She grins before holding up the lanyard around her neck, her keys dangling from it as she sits up.

"See you later." I laugh as I walk out the room, shutting the door behind me. The hallways are alive with people today, the weekend making the campus a hive for visitors. Politely moving through the crowds I can't help but smile at the scenes of students hugging their parents, grinning widely as they laugh and drag them into different rooms, desperate to show them college life. Or part of it anyway.

I wish I could have experienced that, my parents coming to visit me, proud of what I've achieved. I'm grateful for Elle, she's the best family I could ever ask for, but she can't hold me in her arms like my Mom, can't be protective like my Dad. I miss them.

I make my way down the pathway towards the parking lot, walking so fast, desperate to see him again. Haydon and I were barely apart back home, especially during Summer. Of course, it helped that I spent my free time with Becky anyway, always at their house until the late hours of every day.

Haydon and I were friends who grew closer every time we saw each other, both having a love for English. It was unintentional that we fell for each other, and Becky took a lot of convincing when she found out. We tried to keep it a secret from her, both of us agreeing that we needed to make sure what we had was real before we told her. Unfortunately neither of us had the willpower to stay away from each other and she walked in five days later, her best friend and brother's lips locked together. That was not a day I'd like to live again.

Turning the corner I smile as I notice his red truck immediately, my boyfriend leaning against it. His black hair is slicked back, his blue jeans and checked shirt fitting him nicely. I widen my grin as he notices me, his face lighting up as he pushes away from the truck. I practically skip over to him, throwing myself into his arms.


"Sav!" He greets me, pulling away from me slightly to look down at me. "I missed you."

"You too." I smile, watching as his emerald eyes glimmer in the slight sunlight.

"I brought you something."

"You did?" I ask, feeling a smile sweep across my face. Maybe he really did do what Elena suggested - chocolate, flowers? Whatever it is, I can't believe how thoughtful...

My thoughts trail off as he turns back towards me, a pile of fabric in his hands.

"Elle sent up your green scarf. She said you'd want it now the weather will be getting colder."

"Oh." I manage before shooting him a quick smile and grabbing hold of the scarf. That's still thoughtful of him. "Thanks."

"No problem." He grins, leaning down and pecking me on the lips, "So this is college."

The Test of TimeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin