14 ~ Month Six: May

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I swear my shift lasted longer than normal today, dragging on with no end in sight.

Maybe it's just the thought of Zara and Georgia out shopping without me, not having to work every day of the week and able to enjoy their weekends.

As I climb the steps to the apartment I hug my arms to my chest, the weather having taken a sudden turn, a chilly wind causing me to shiver. I can't wait to throw on my pajamas and relax on the couch. The joys of doing nothing! All for two hours, after which I really must finish my school work.

One day, when I'm rich and famous, I'll be able to lounge around for as long as I want. I can't wait.

Slipping my key into the lock, I roughly shove the door open, my eyes widening as I look around in shock at the piles of duffel bags that cover the entrance way.

"Elle?" I call out, taking a tiny, reluctant step forward, "Els, what is all this stuff?"

"Ann! You're home!" She replies, her face popping into view.

"Yes I am..."

"Patrick is moving in." She clarifies, gesturing at the bags.

"What?" I splutter, disbelief spreading thorough me.

"He's moved in!" She repeats, crossing her arms as she shoots me a slight smile.

"Are you serious?"

"Yes of course!" She retorts, her smile slipping from her face.

"You've only been with him a few months!"

"I love him Anna." She says as I shake my head. "And he'll help us out with money and bills."

"We'll see." I snort and she scowls, "I'm going back out." I grab my coat from the wall and slam the door behind me.

Quickly wrapping the coat around me, I walk away from the building with no idea where I'm going, but I know that I need to stay away from the random greasy man moving into my home. Well, his home, now. For God sake, what is wrong with Elle?

I kick the stone beside me, watching as it rolls off the sidewalk and onto the road. I don't even know this man, and Elle has only known him six months whereas she is supposed to be my guardian, my protector. Fat lot of good she's doing right now! I know that she deserves to live her life and do whatever she wants to do, but I am absolutely not living in the same apartment as some creepy man. I'm not stupid.

A sudden drop of water lands on my nose and I grimace, looking up at the grey sky. Just my luck, of course I'm about to get soaked by Mother Nature, I wouldn't expect anything less. All I want is to be alone, have time to clear my head but now it looks like I'll get the flu whilst doing that.

And then I'll get stuck inside with Mr Creepy Patrick. What a nightmare.

The rain gets harder as I continue to stomp away from my apartment, desperate to find somewhere for shelter. The puddles in the road begin to splash up against me as the cars rush past, and I curl my arms around myself, trying to make myself as small as possible. I just need to stay out of the rain and not get sick. A car slows down beside me but I ignore it, hastily continuing down the street. I'd go anywhere to not go back home right now.


Anywhere but there.

"Leave me alone." I snap, continuing to walk as he drives alongside me, easily keeping up.

"I'm not going to do that." Brett calls out and I roll my eyes, stopping as I turn towards him. "Savannah please can we just talk?"


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