** BONUS Chapter **

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What the fuck have I done?

I've ruined the only good thing in my life, the one thing that makes me truly fucking happy.

One cruel, thoughtless act and I've lost the best part of me.

I grimace as I raise my head away from my pillow, the phone ringing loudly, echoing around the room. Turning over I grab hold of my cell from the bedside table, picking it up and glancing at it through one eye, hopeful that maybe, just maybe, she wants to talk. It's a ridiculous thought, but it's one that crosses my mind every time my phone rings.

I roll my eyes at Ellis' name on the screen and drop the phone back down on the surface before turning away, burying myself in the blankets once more.

I've spoken to barely anyone over the last five days, hiding myself in my bed, not willing to get up or face the destruction that I've caused. Ettie has brought me breakfast and dinner every day and I've picked at it slowly, the nauseating feeling that's been present in my stomach ever since I betrayed her stopping me from eating any more.

I'm not sure when I fell for Savannah. Not exactly.

I've always found her beautiful, from the moment I first saw her in the diner, her blonde hair pinned up under the hairnet, her blue eyes sparkling with hatred at the thought of serving us. Fuck, she was absolutely gorgeous, and the sarcastic attitude that accompanied always kept me on my toes, made me want to get to know her.

I became drawn to her the moment she yelled at me at my front door for causing her to fail her driving test. No girl had ever done that before, most high-school girls only talking to me because they wanted to get in my pants.

When I found out that she worked at Aphrodite's Palace a wave of protectiveness swarmed through me, despite the fact that I barely knew her. As I watched her serve drink after drink, her head down in an attempt to hide, all I wanted to do was throw her over my shoulder and take her away from there, shielding her from the dangers of the seedy club.

The mistakes I've made over the last year have never warranted forgiveness but my stubborn, cocky self wore her down each time, desperate to work my way back into her life and hold her in my arms.

I was reluctant to acknowledge the feelings I had for her, anxious over the impact it could have on my reputation. Savannah wasn't the most popular, but Ashley was. Looking back I see how wrong it was to think that way, how little I should have cared. I was popular but I didn't even fucking want to be. All I needed was Savannah and then I would be happy.

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