52 ~ Month Fifteen: January

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"Sav!" My best friend screams as she enters the café. I look up quickly before striding out from behind the counter, making my way towards her as quick as possible, praying she'll quieten down. I've only worked here for two weeks and I really don't want to be fired yet.

"Hey Becs!" I exclaim as she grabs onto me, pulling me into her arms.

"Sorry we're late, Haydon wouldn't get out of bed." She rolls her eyes.

"That's okay, I just finished my shift." I reply, looking around her to see if Haydon has arrived yet or whether he's taking his time getting here, clearly not missing me as much as Becky has.

"Nice place." Becky grins, glancing around the chic, modern cafe. "I bet their coffee is better than the Diner's."

"Definitely!" I confirm, as the door opens once more, Haydon walking in and shooting me a smile.

"Sorry." He says as he reaches down, pulling me into a hug. "Hey."

"Hey!" I exclaim into his shoulder before pulling back slightly. "Did you have a good holiday?"

"Oh, it was lush!" Becky replies, grinning, "But I couldn't stop thinking of you here on your own."

"It was okay really." I assure her and she shoots me a doubtful look as Haydon shoves his hands into his pockets.

"Should we get a coffee?" He asks and I nod.

"Sure." Becky says.

"I'll grab the seat." Haydon exclaims before wandering over to an empty table in the corner, slumping down onto it and pulling out his phone. I watch him intently, unable to take my eyes off of the boyfriend who seems to be losing interest in me. Becky nudges me, a curious look on her face.

"So really, was it okay?" She asks as we make our way to the back of the queue.

"Yeah it was." I confirm, thinking of the unlimited food I'd stuffed into my body throughout my time alone in the dorm room. "I've barely heard from Haydon though." I admit, biting on my lip.

"We didn't have very good signal over there." She tries to justify.

"Becs you got back over a week ago."

"And it hasn't got any better since then?" She asks and I shake my head.


"Then I need to go kick his ass!" She snaps, glaring over to where her brother is sat.

"Becky!" I exclaim, pulling on her sleeve to turn her attention back to me. "Becs... it's fine. I'll talk to him."

"What do you want to drink?" She asks, her eyes full of fire, the protective best friend mode turned on.

"Just a simple coffee, please." I reply.

"Sure." She smiles, "Go talk to your boyfriend."

"Thanks." I shoot her a grateful look before making my way over to Haydon, my heart hammering slightly in my chest with nerves. "Hey." I say softly as I slide down into the seat beside him.

"Hey." He replies, smiling back at me as he places his phone back into his pocket.

"So the Bahamas were good?" I question.

"Yeah, really good." He grins, sitting back in his chair.

"Cool." I nod slightly, "What have you been up to since you've been back?"

"Not much. Helped Dad work on some of his cars. I also sent an article to the Edgewater Standard about the closure of the Diner." He explains and I raise my eyebrows.

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