64 ~ Month Twenty: June

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"I can't Elena!" I grimace, "I really must stay in and finish this." I gesture to the paperwork in front of me.

"I still can't believe you have homework and you've only been there two weeks!" She scoffs. I smile at her reaction, glancing back down at the sheet of paper. The business is not what I expected, and I'm still not sure if I enjoy it, but it's one day a week and it'll look good on my resume at the end of college. I can't help but wonder if this is what Brett's company do, dealing with energy and making multi-million dollar deals with different enterprises. It makes me laugh that over the last week I have already dealt with a client worth twenty million dollars.

"It's not homework!" I laugh, "Go, have fun." I gesture towards the door.

"I will." She grins, "I'll miss you though."

"As soon as you're with Kyle, you'll forget all about me." I tease and she rolls her eyes.

"Never S!" She exclaims, "See you later!" She grins, before disappearing out the door.

"Bye!" I call out as the door shuts behind her as she swans off to her third party this week. I'm starting to miss them, but then I wonder if that is only the lack of company talking, the fact that Elena now has a boyfriend meaning she has to split her time between the two of us. Boyfriends suck.

I'm kidding. I'm happy for her.

Turning back to the long essay I've written to Quantile International about why they should take up our business I begin to proof read the second paragraph, unsure about how it is written. I'm five minutes in when my phone begins to ring and I pick it up, grinning as I answer.


"Babe I miss you!" She whines and I laugh.

"You too!"

"How's the job going?"

"It's going well." I reply, "I'm not sure if it's the career I want but it sure is interesting." I comment and she laughs.

"Well, no harm in trying out different jobs." She retorts, "It's how I treat men."

"Very true." I laugh, "How is college going for you?"

"I'm top of my class." She exclaims.

"Becky Gordon I never would have expected that!"

"I guess hating all the girls on my course made me competitive." She snorts and I laugh.

"I'm proud of you."

"Thanks best friend." She exclaims, "Any update on the Brett situation?"

"There is no Brett situation."

"Sav, you told him you needed time." She points out, "That's all."

"He's right Bec." I mutter, "I can't be with him if I don't trust him."

"I know." She agrees, "In other news, Zara will be home soon!"

"Soon? I'm not sure I class October as soon. But I can't wait!" I reply.

"Me neither!" She exclaims. Suddenly my phone begins to buzz and I pull it away from my ear to see that Elle is also attempting to call me.

"Bec? Elle's ringing me. She doesn't normally ring this late!" I exclaim, glancing up at my pink clock.

"No worries!" Becky responds, "Let me know if she's okay! Love ya!"

"Love you too!" I reply before ending the call and picking up the one from my sister. "Elle?" I exclaim, a hint of worry in my voice.

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