86 ~ Month Twenty Eight: March

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"You are just over eleven weeks," the Doctor smiles at us, both Brett and I transfixed by the image on the screen, the sound of a heartbeat filling the room. All of a sudden everything is so real and I feel overwhelmed.

Before today it was just a '+' on a stick, nothing more, nothing less. Now it's a real person, something growing inside of me that Brett and I created together.

"Wow!" I breathe out, unable to tear my eyes away as Brett grabs hold of my hand, squeezing it tightly. We've stayed away from each other the last two weeks, conversing only over text, and meeting up today for our first Doctor's appointment.

It's the best thing to do, keep our distance between each other, not make any of this harder than it already is.

"Alright, so your due date..." Doctor Herring trails off as she glances down at the paperwork. I see Brett smirk slightly and roll my eyes at him. We know when the baby will be due, just one of the advantages to having what was supposed to be a one nightstand.

Little did I know, Fate decided my life had been too perfect for too long, time to play another joke on me.

"September 23rd." She exclaims with a smile.

"Do we get to know whether it's a boy or a girl?" Brett asks and I shake my head at him.

"It's too early for that." the Doctor confirms.

"Do you want to know? When the time comes?" I ask him.

"I think so." Brett nods, "Do you?"

"I don't know." I bite my lip, unsure. "It could be a surprise."

"Well, you've got time to think about it." the Doctor smiles at us, placing her clipboard down.

"Thank you so much Doctor Herring." I thank her.

"My pleasure." She grins, "I'll just go and print this picture for you. Then we'll just take some blood to make sure everything is looking good."

"Okay." I reply as she stands up and leaves the room, the door slamming shut behind her.

"You doing okay?" Brett asks, his hand still linked with mine.

"Yeah, are you?"

"Of course." He grins, moving his other hand to grab onto mine. "This is perfect." He shakes his head in disbelief before a cheeky glint appears in his eyes, "You're welcome for such an amazing birthday present." He smirks, gesturing to my stomach.


"You thought I forgot your birthday?" He scoffs and I widen my eyes. Of course I did... it's been years. "Happy birthday." He says softly.

"I... the birthday present, really?" I retort and he laughs.

"Come on, it's a pretty good present."

"It is." I admit, "But that's not the point! This isn't all down to you Winters!"

"Okay, it's a good present from you too." He smirks.

"We'll have a baby before your next birthday." I think out loud, "That's scary."

"It is." He agrees and I can't help but smile as his eyes meet mine, both of us caught up in the excitement. I'm frozen in place as he slowly starts to lean towards me, my breath quickening at the action. My eyes drift down towards his lips, my own parting in anticipation.

"Alright Savannah! Are you ready for your blood test?" Doctor Herring exclaims as she enters, Brett and I quickly springing apart.


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