110 ~ Month Thirty Two: July

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"Brett?" I call out as I walk down the stairs, the house eerily quiet, "Brett, where are you?" I repeat, voice slightly shaky as I grip onto the handrail. Where the hell has he gone? He was here half hour ago, assuring me that I look beautiful for our afternoon date.

Taking the final step I swallow the lump in my throat, my heart beating against my chest from panic. Ever since George I have been unable to cope on my own, my mind going into overdrive at the silence, the creak of a door, the wind against the windows. I wonder whether it will ever go away.

Slowly I take a step towards the kitchen, my hand over my bump as I decide to head for the knife block.

"Surprise!" Sudden screams cause me to squeal as a crowd of familiar faces jump up from behind the counter, grinning as confetti falls around me.

"What?" I exclaim as Brett emerges from the middle, walking over and looping his arm around me.

"A little baby shower for you." He smiles and I can't help but grin as I look back towards my friends to see Alex and Ellis hanging up a banner, Elle and Zara placing pink and blue cupcakes onto the table, Becky continuing to throw confetti.

"For me?" I echo.

"Yes!" Alice exclaims, walking over and pulling me into a hug, "Do you know anyone else who's pregnant?"

"Lots of people are pregnant." I retort.

"Well, we only care about one of them right now." Olivia grins, wrapping her arms around me as I smile into her hair. This is amazing.

"Thank you." I exclaim before letting my eyes wander to the counter, "I need a cake."

"Of course you do." Becky smirks, handing me a pink one. "Pink, because I know it's a girl."

"It's a boy Becky!" Ellis argues, rolling his eyes at her.




"Are you two serious?" I scoff before taking a bite of the delicious cake.

"We have a bet."

"On what gender the baby is?" Elena asks, eyebrows raised.

"Yep." Becky nods, "Loser doesn't get oral for a whole month."

"Jesus Christ!" Zara exclaims from beside us, "Do you two ever think outside the bedroom?"

"No." Ellis shrugs before wrapping an arm around Becky's waist, "This girl has too much talent."

"Ah, thanks!" Becky grins before the couple begin a very public make out session.

"Can't you two get a room?" Missy laughs and Becky flips her the finger, lips not even moving from Ellis'.

"They're a lovely couple." Zara replies dryly as Elena and I laugh.

"Aunt Annie!" The small voice comes from behind me and I quickly whirl around to see my nephew heading towards me.

"Danny!" I exclaim, opening my arms and crouching down. Picking him up and placing him on my hip I turn us to the counter and point at the cakes. "Have you had one of these yet?"

"No. Mommy said I had to wait until you were here." He pouts and I laugh softly.

"I'm here now." I point out, "I bet you want blue."

"Yeah!" He exclaims, "Pink is girly!" He wrinkles his nose up in disgust as I hand him a cake. "If you eat the blue ones does it mean the baby will be a boy?"

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