91 ~ April

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"Becky didn't tell you?" I splutter as he continues to stare at me like I'm a ghost.

"No!" Haydon exclaims and I curse under my breath, stepping back and leaning against the counter. "Congratulations!" He grins and I can't help but smile.


"I didn't even know you were seeing someone!" He continues and I tear my gaze away from his, looking down at the floor.

"I'm not!"


"It was... a one time thing." I manage to say, looking up to see him nod his head.

"Does he know?"

"Yeah!" I reply, "He's happy about it."

"Are you going to try dating?" He asks and I shake my head.

"He's already got a girlfriend."

"What?" Haydon straightens up, eyes blazing slightly as he takes in my words. Oops!

"Oh no! He didn't when we... you know!" I quickly splutter out.

"Oh! I was about to go kick some ass." He laughs and I chuckle nervously. If he knew who it was I think he'd definitely do more than that...

"Was Becky expecting you?" I ask, changing the subject.

"No! She left her jacket at mine last week." He replies, holding up the pile of leather in his hands.

"Oh, thanks!" I smile, grabbing it from his hands, "I'll let her know you brought it back!"

"Thanks." Haydon says, watching as I place it on the back of the couch, "Well, I guess I'll..." He trails off as he makes a move towards the door, reaching up and running a hand through his hair. He came all this way just to drop Becky's jacket off, it would be rude of me to send him away so quickly...

"Do you want to stay for a drink?" I quickly cut him off, shooting him a smile as he turns back towards me, "Or a donut?"

"Sure!" He replies, stopping in his path and turning to face me. I nod, turning and walking to the cupboard to pull out the glazed delights.

"So what's new with you?" I ask and he shrugs, slouching down onto the bar stool.

"Not much. I assume Becky told you I made editor for the Edgemont Press."

"She did! Congratulations, that's amazing!"


"Any ladies in your life?" I pry, placing the box on the table in front of him.

"There's one girl I've been dating. Her name is Cathy." He smiles shyly, "We'll see."

"How many dates have you been on?" I ask.


"And it looks promising?" I grin and he laughs.

"No red flags so far!"

"That's what I like to hear." I smile, "I'm happy for you!"

"As I am for you." He declares, "Take it back seven years I never would have guessed this is where we'd be."

"Me neither!" I laugh slightly, "Seven years ago? We had just started dating! Remember our date to the aquarium?"

"I do!"

"I'd still rank that in my top ten of dates!" I comment and he raises an eyebrow.

"You would?" He grins, "Wow!"

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