41 ~ Month Twelve: October

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"They still don't like the magazine articles?" I ask, phone pressed against my ear.

"Apparently I'm hard to work with." Haydon replies, "I don't take criticism well."

"Have you tried to change your articles at all?"

"Sav, I've altered this one article fifty seven times. If they still don't like it then I don't know what to do." He moans and I grimace. Haydon has been trying to publish his work for the last year, with little to no success and I can't help the disappointment that floods through me each time he gets rejected. I've read his work, and he deserves to be published, he deserves recognition for his efforts. Life isn't fair.

"Is there anyone else you can send your work too?"

"In Edgewater Valley? Definitely not." He scoffs and I bite my lip.

"You could move somewhere else."


"It could open up a lot more opportunities..."

"Sav, we've been through this before. I'm happy here." He cuts me off, "I don't want to move."

"Not yet."

"Not yet." He confirms. "How's college work?"

"I'm keeping on top of it so far." I answer, "I still haven't found myself a part time job and I'm starting to get low so I need to find one."

"Well good luck!" He exclaims, "If you need any money, you know I'm here to help."

"Thanks. But I'm okay."

"I knew you'd say that." He laughs, "I'm proud of you for being independent." Stubborn, you mean.

"I've got to get my laundry done." I sigh after glancing across at the pink clock, unhappy that I have to end the conversation.

"Not embracing college life by wearing dirty underwear then?" He teases and I grin. This boy knows that I'd prefer to wear a trash bag than wear dirty clothes, Organised Savannah not able to cope with potential germs on her clothes.

"Definitely not." I chuckle, "Although Elena's laundry is overflowing so she probably is."

"Lovely." He replies sarcastically and I giggle, "Okay, well I'm off out with my Dad today."

"Have fun."

"Thanks. Have fun doing your laundry."

"Thanks." I retort, rolling my eyes as I jump up off the bed and grab hold of my laundry bag, placing it onto my bed. "Bye." I say before hanging up the phone. 

"Savannah?" Brett's voice sets me on edge immediately and I whirl around, a scowl on my face as I catch him standing in the open doorway. For the first time I can see a tattoo peeking out from the bottom of the sleeve of his T-Shirt and find myself both surprised, and intrigued to know what it is. Some things certainly do change after high school.

Tearing my eyes back to my laundry I shake my head, throwing a pair of jeans in.

"What are you doing here?" I snap before picking the bag up.

"Have you seen Laura?"

"No. She lives down the hall." I reply as I walk towards him. "Number ten I think." He backs up as I approach, retreating into the hall. I shut the door behind me before starting down the corridor towards the stairs. I hear his footsteps follow me and roll my eyes, stopping instantly and turning to face him.

"Why can't you just leave me alone?"

"You walked out the other night.."

"Because I don't want to be around you Brett." I cut him off, my voice sharp, "I have nothing to say to you."

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