81 ~ January

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"Alright!" Becky exclaims, holding up her glass of champagne. "Cheers!" She squeals and we all follow suit, grabbing our glasses and holding them up, clinking them together in the middle.

"You have no idea how much I needed a night out with you girls!" I exclaim, moaning slightly after I take a drink, placing my glass back down on the table.

"Still having trouble at work?" Zara asks, raising the glass to her lips.

"Yep." I confirm, pulling a face at her.

"You gotta leave that place S!" Elena exclaims.

"I know." I mutter, "Just got to figure out what I want to do with the rest of my life first."

"You'll manage it." Zara grins, reaching over and squeezing my hand, "I'm sure of it." She finishes and I grin, squeezing her hand in return.

"Thanks Za!" I smile.

"How's Missy?" Becky asks Zara, grinning as she leans forward on the table. The cocktail bar is filled to the brim with people tonight, everyone desperate to find a cure for those late January blues. It sure is working for me, having my girls back with me after a stressful few weeks at work.

"She's good." Zara replies, smiling slightly at the thought of her girlfriend, "Went to visit her parents this weekend."

"I wondered why she wasn't here tonight." Becky groans, pouting as she leans her hands on the table.

"Only because she can drink as much as you!" Elena scoffs, chuckling.

"That's true." Becky smirks, "She really is gifted. You have to keep her."

"Keep her?" Zara laughs and I shake my head in amusement at Becky's terminology. She seems to think that all a relationship means is that you're trapped, someone's property for the rest of your life.

"Are you seeing anyone Becky?" Elena asks before taking a gulp out of her glass.

"Of course." Becky retorts, "Every three nights I see a new guy." She shrugs.

"Of course." Zara giggles.

"It's always good that you can rely on Becky to not change." Elena chuckles.

"I'm happy the way I am!" Becky shrugs, grinning.

"One day you'll meet someone!" Zara teases, laughing as Becky picks up her glass and finishes the drink.

"Hell no!" Becky objects.

"What about you Elena?" I ask, "Seeing anyone?"

"No." She grimaces. "Sadly Tinder did not help." She continues, "In fact, I saw Pete on there."

"Pete from college?" I exclaim, a slight smirk on my lips.

"Yep." She nods, "He has a baby now."

"He does?"

"Apparently it's the main reason girls should date him. According to his profile." She announces, giggling slightly.

"Wow!" Becky smirks.

"What about you Sav?" Zara asks, "What's the lowdown? Still with Oliver?"


"They had a misunderstanding." Becky interrupts, smirking and I shoot her a death glare.

"Oh?" Zara asks.

"It just didn't work out." I mutter. "He... wasn't compatible in the bedroom."

"I'll say." Becky snorts, nearly choking on her cocktail as she laughs.

"Wow." Elena exclaims, wide eyed. "So you guys...?"

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