1// Summer

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I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm clock. Being me, I slammed my hand on the dream vanisher and basically crawled out of bed. 'Last day of school,' I kept telling myself as I got ready. Last day of school, brushed my long brown hair. Last day of school, brushed my teeth. I went on and on telling myself that the torture of pop quizzes and mounds of homework would end. I picked out my outfit, which was a flower-printed baby doll dress and a cardigan, with brown flats.

I went down stairs for breakfast, where I saw my older brother sitting at the island drinking a cream filled coffee. "Morning sleepy head. You look wonderfully dreadful today," he said as he laughed, looking proud at himself for making a stupid comment.

"Ha ha. Listen Ryan, it's the beginning of summer," I said. "Just, like, eight hours, forty-five minutes and 24 seconds till school ends. Ugh and then I begin senior year."

"Faye, everything will be fine," he said standing up and putting his empty coffee cup in the sink," Oh by the way.. Logan and his family are coming with us on vacation. GREECE BABY!!!"

Logan is my brothers best friend. They apparently met a long time ago, back when he was four, and I was three. Our parents are also close friends, which I always found unusual. It was a long time since I saw him then, so I always thought that it would be awkward.

I walked up the stairs, and said goodbye to my Mom and Dad, who were in the bathroom getting ready. I was about to walk out the door when my mom said "Sweetie, I was talking to Lisa," (Who is Logan's mom), "and she said that Logan became a very handsome boy." Why was she telling me this? She winked and I rolled my eyes.

"She is not dating anyone till she's thirty, I thought we agreed on that Sheryl," said my dad. Haha... that's my dad, always making jokes about how I won't get married till I'm forty.

"OK mom, thanks for the info. I'm gonna go now. Bye," I said as I pecked them both on the cheek and walked out.

I made my way to school first dropping by my friend Leahanna's house, so we could walk to school together. I rang her door bell, and there stood my best friends since preschool.

"Hey Faye waz goin' on?" she said. We both laughed. We both exchanged greetings, and made our way to school.

"So are you excited about summer?" I asked.

"Hell yes. Dude honestly I'm ready to like, tan and stuff," she said. I laughed.

"Yea me too," I said.

"I'm excited to have a summer fling... most of all. I mean I needs my man candy. You're lucky though, 'cause you have Logan." Wait, did she just say that? I thought to myself.

"Dude seriously. It's been a while since i've seen him, but I'm pretty sure he hasn't changed. I can still imagine him with braces and no muscle what so ever, and like, weird hair," I said

Lea laughed.

We finally arrived at school, and since that was the last day of school we didn't have any classes, which was why no one brought their school bag. That day was just a day were we just had really long assemblies, and watched movies, and bragged about our upcoming summers, and asked teachers about work that we could do over summer to improve. Things like that. Our school even ended earlier than usual.

Lea and I entered school and walked to the assembly hall. We immediately found our friends sitting in the middle of the giant sea of chairs. We took a seat next to them and chatted until the principal asked us to be quiet.

"Welcome students, to the end year assembly. I hope you all have enjoyed this year at Kennedy high school. We would like too...." and so it continued. The longest and most boring speech ever. I glanced at my friends with an annoyed look, rolling the eyes and sighing.

About an hour and a half later, the principal was finished with his speech, we all made our way out side to the field, and sat down to eat an early lunch, and talk, and enjoy the sun.

Finally, the bell rang, we all exchanged hugs, and kisses, and we ran our way back to our homes, and went to swimming pools, and to clubs, and to other peoples homes. That was going to be a great summer. Or so I thought.

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