17// Date Stress With Sweet Flowers

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My date with Logan was in three hours, and I was still looking for what I should wear. My clothes that were supposed to be in the drawer were on the floor. The dresses, shirts, pants, and shoes lay in a big pile next to my bed.

It figured that I would pack at least something nice for a dressy meal, or something like that. I found a white dress which had lace covering it, and it didn't have any sleeves. I put on blue flats, cause I had to much white already.

I was nervous. I felt like a young girl being nervous about their first time speaking to her crush, not wanting to say anything stupid. Logan was probably the closet thing I've ever had to a best 'guy' friend, besides my brother.

He was so handsome. And he had a great personality. The pressures of fame never got to him, because his family always seemed to pull him back to reality. And he knew who he was. He was always so funny, and supportive, and goofy, and always-smirking Logan. The one that I might be falling in love with.

Before I got dressed, I decided to take a shower, so I could smell nice... obviously. I took one for at least fifteen minutes, and sang multiple songs.

I got out, went to my room, and got dressed. Then I went to the bathroom to do my makeup, which took fifteen minutes as well.

I took my free time and decided to Skype Lea, because I missed her, and because I needed help.

"Hey Faye. Haha that rhymes. Anyway what's up with you," she asked. It was dark in her room, because it was night over there.

"Why are you up? It's like three in the morning there right?" I asked.

"Well, I was out with my new boyfriend till one, and then we talked on the phone for about an hour after that. So yea, what's up."

"Nothing... it's just that I have a date in a few hours," I whispered.

"WHAT?!?!?! Faye! You didn't tell me! Who? When?"

"In a few hours... I just said."

"No who asked you."

"What?" I said confused.

"No, who?"

"Uhh," I said, not wanting to say the next part, so I said it very quietly,"Logan."

"OMG! CONGRATS FAYE!!!" she yelled at the top of her lungs, I'm pretty sure waking her parents up.

"Anyway, I need tips. I'm as nervous as hell. I think the talking will be ok... just how do I do this," I said quickly.

"Everything will come natural to you Faye. Your lovable in every way possible, even when you're nervous. Just make sure you smile a lot, you have a beautiful smile." The bell to our house rang so I decided to answer it.

"Thank you Lea. Anyway I have to go, wish me luck," I said hanging up, and walking downstairs to open the door.

"Hello Faye. You look beautiful," Logan said, holding white pansies. My favorite. He handed me the flowers and I took them, the biggest smile forming on my face.

"Logan, what are you doing?" I said laughing.

"We're going on a date, no?"

"Of course we are, but why ring the door bell in hope that I open it, when you could just come to my room and we could go?" I asked.

"What's romantic about that? You clearly have never been on a date before," he said. I smiled again, and I could feel my cheeks becoming warm.

He held out his arm, and I looped my hand through, so we were arm and arm.

"So where are we going," I asked.

"You'll find out," Logan said, smirking.

We walked to the car, me in the passenger seat, he in the driver's seat. He wore a black tuxedo vest and dark blue jeans, that almost looked black.

We drove for about twenty minutes, and we were in the city. I smiled because the scenery and smells felt familiar. We walked, hand in hand, for about ten minutes until we came to the most beautiful outdoor restaurant I've ever seen.

It was in between two hills, making a large shadow cast upon half of the restaurant, the other half was showering in the warm sun. The elegant rectangle white tables already set for people to enjoy meals on them, and they had matching white wooden chairs, and to add to that, they had a small bouquet of flowers in a small vase on each table. It was a very large space, so there were a lot of them. I saw couples eating out for lunch, holding hands across the table, looking deeply into each others eyes. The restaurant was surrounded in columns, each with a small statue of a Greek god, in some sort of pose to make them seem more precarious, or beautiful, or wise, or elegant. The air smelled of meat and fish cooking on a grill, and olives with olive oil and feta. You couldn't hear the distant tourists asking where a certain temple was, and the cars honking. You could hear the birds chirping in the slow wind.

Logan, being the gentleman he is, let go of my hand and pulled out my chair, and I sat down, blushing because it was exactly what I thought it would be.

"Fifty cents for your thoughts," Logan said.

"Okay... had it over Lerman."

"Seriously?" he said smirking.

"Actually I'm pretty sure they're worth more than fifty cents... One fifty..."

He started at me, still perfect, eyes glittering, hair moving, still smirking. Still him.

"Nothing, it's just... perfect. The view. The smells. That fact that your eyes shine brighter than they ever did in the light. The fact that I'm here with you," I said, looking at him, and then he smiled.

"Your poetic mind is overwhelming," he said.

"That wasn't poetic," I said smiling back at him.

"Are you kidding? I haven't read any poetry that's better than what you just said."

"Okay, first: It's called a complement," I said laughing,"and second: You obviously haven't read any good poetry."

He laughed, then I laughed... cause laughing was contagious.

"So how was your life since I've seen you? Which was when we were thirteen. Well I was fourteen, but yea," he said.

"I'm not sure. I guess it was fine. You?"

"It was great... movies and working... and school on set, which sucked balls... You know you still haven't told me why you won't watch my movies. I guess the one on the plane was an exception?"

"I guess..." I said.

We sat, and ate, and laughed, and talked about our lives without each other, and what they would've been if we had seen each other more.

I thought about the white butterfly. How it had started it's journey when it first crawled out of its cocoon, looking at the world in a completely different way. How even though it's wings were the color of liberty, it was still beautiful. It was still free, and new. I was a white butterfly, getting ready to take my first flight, getting ready for my wings to be painted by the one I might love. Logan.

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