5// Logan, the Alluring Idiot

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I had fallen asleep on the ride there. It took about an hour to get to the airport, so I decided to make the most of it and go to dream land.

"Faye, wake up, we're here," I heard my brother excitedly say, looking with wide eyes towards the airport.


"Sis if you don't get up right now... I will tickle you."

That got me up. If there is anything I hate more, it's people tickling me. It's just really annoying.

My dad parked the car in a "car-keeper" place, so we wouldn't have to worry about it while we were away. Every time we went on vacation we would drop it off here.

I stepped out of the car and walked to the back so I could get out my suitcase. I opened the trunk and pulled out my black suitcase. It fell with a loud *kreeeaaaaekkk* which was very embarrassing. I just waited next to the car until my family got all of there suitcases out of the car.

The sun was setting. The different shades of orange, purple, and dark blue blended perfectly. The smell of plane gasoline filled the air, which made perfect sense, cause we were at an airport.

"You excited to see Logan and Lucas again?" I asked to Ryan.

"Yea!! We're gonna have a great vacation," he answered, smiling.

We walked to the airport, which only took three minutes. My dad, mom, and brother were having a conversation. They were speaking so quietly.

"I say in three weeks," I hear my mom say.

"Are you kidding? She has never had a boyfriend... don't you think she'll love that experience, with him?" my brother says. What are they talking about?

We reached the airport, walked in, and my family members were looking around asking where they were, so I took out my phone and started texting Lea.

Me: Sup girly? At the airport.. family looking for the Lermans.

Leabird: Oooh. Have you spotted them? How come you aren't looking either?

Me: Too lazy. I just wanted to say bye before I went to the land of Greek mythology and feta cheese.

Leabird: Aww how sweet.. thanks. Have fun gurl!

At that moment I heard my mom squeal with delight, my dad laugh, and my brother shout out "Eeyyyy!!"

I looked around and saw my mom hugging Lisa, my Dad hugging Larry with a typical pat on the back, and my bro hugging the hottest human being that has ever walked on this earth. When he released the hug with my brother, he looked at me and smiled and hugged me.

"Hey Faye," he said into my ear. His breath was warm, and his voice was deeper than the last time I saw him. His lips had become more.. pink? His high cheek bones enhanced his nose, if that's possible. His eyes. Oh his eyes. Had they changed? No that's not possible. I probably hadn't noticed them before because they were the prettiest shade of blue I've ever seen.

"Hey Logan," I whispered back, smiling.

" You look nice... much different than you did before."

"Well yea people grow," I said sarcastically, "but you look nice too."

He laughed, "Thanks."

"We should probably stop hugging."


We broke apart and found our families staring at us, almost everyone smirking.

"Faye?" I heard a voice say. I smiled. It was Lucas.

"Eeyyy Lucas!!! I missed you!!!" I said excitedly, hugging him, and he hugged me back.

"I missed you too!"

"Wait so you missed him but not me?" Logan said, acting hurt.

"I thought you knew Lucas was my favorite..." I joked, and Lucas poked his tongue at his brother, and Logan rolled his eyes.

I hugged Lisa and Larry as my mom and dad hugged Logan and Lucas.

We then took our suitcases and went to check in. As we waited in line I texted Lea.

Me: Update: Logan... mega hot status.

Leabird: I know right!! If only you actually watched his movies.

"You think I'm hot?"

I looked back and saw Logan looking forward, smirking.

"Why were you looking at my texts?" I asked giving him a look.

"You also don't watch my movies? Why? Can't handle how amazingly handsome I am?" he said looking extremely proud of himself.

"Yes... I don't watch your movies because of how handsome you are," I said in a very sarcastic tone.

"You know there are other characters right? It's not just me in the movie."

"Yea I noticed... I just don't watch yours."

We didn't exchange another word until we checked in. Lucas, Logan and Ryan were talking to each other, and my parents were talking about Logan and I.

"Faye has grown to be a beautiful young lady," Lisa said. Thanks Lisa.

"Thank you Lisa. Logan looks very handsome as well," my mom said.

We checked in, and made our way to security. I put my carry on into the conveyer belt so it would be checked. The security guard gestured for me to walk through the metal detector, and there was no *beep* of course. We then made our way to the gate.

It was fully dark now. When we would arrive in Greece it would be late morning. Our flight was fourteen hours, which is why we choose to spend more money on business class, cause we weren't going to spend fourteen hours in economy class. I have a very luxury orientated family.

When we got to our gate, we all sat down on the short chairs. I looked outside the window and watched as a plane rose up into the sky. I always thought that was the weirdest thing ever... Having planes take off into flight, almost defying the laws of gravity.

My philosophy session was ruined when the man in front of the gate said that they would start boarding first and business class. Our group of people got up and walked to the front of the gate where the man stood. He asked for our tickets, and we gave them.

Believe it or not, I was getting tired. So tired, that I was having trouble keeping my eyes open.

We walked on the plane, and the stewardess pointed us in the direction we needed to go. We followed her finger, and we entered business class, where chairs are big and comfortable, and the food is better, and you have more space to move your legs. Gosh I wish I could help people who actually need money, instead of my parents paying an extra 1,000 for every ticket.

I looked for my seat, and found out that we were sitting in a four row, from the window, and how fortunate, because Logan's seat was right next to mine. I put my carry on under the seat in front of me, and walked awkwardly to the seat next to the window, and Logan did the same, and so did my brother, and so did Lucas.

Falling for you (A Logan Lerman fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now