36//Packing For Long Vacations

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I walked through the rain, and at some point, hail, just to get to Logan. The rain drops were icy needles against my skin, making me shiver every time they hit me, which was every millisecond. My heart ached with sadness as I trudged on, my body slightly shaking.

It was morning, and I silently thanked god for making the weather identical to how I felt. Cold, lonely. I felt like pouring out tears, just like the clouds, because they just couldn't hold it in anymore.

He was leaving that day. He would be leaving his family, his friends. Me. I couldn't tell him to not take this opportunity, because it is his job.

I could see their house, and I was walking slower, because that's what I was hoping time would do. I'm not sure what part of my brain actually thought that by walking slower, time would do the same, because it was completely impossible.

I knocked on their door, and waited, waited, waited. Soon enough, Lisa opened the door, and immediately gave me a look of sympathy, or empathy, I wasn't sure.

"Where's Logan?" I asked, the knot in my throat returning. Not returning, because it was there ever since he told me. Through the past seventy-two hours that we spent together laughing and sobbing and talking about our future, I had a huge lump in my throat, which I might add made it very hard to fall asleep. Not just because of the knot, but the thought of not having him by me for six months.

"Upstairs, sweetie," she said. I nodded and started walking upstairs.

"Logan?" I said, knocking on his door.

"Hey babe," he said. I smiled and walked in, finding him with a big suitcase on his bed, throwing the clothes into it.

"You know how to pack a suitcase, right?" I said hugging him from behind, my arms only able to wrap around under his chest.

"No not really, it's been a while," he said turning around to face me, winking, and planting a kiss on my forehead.


"Do you think you could help me," he whispered. I laced my fingers behind his neck, and he wrapped his arms around my hips.

"It's not that hard."

"Oh no. Don't underestimate the power of the suitcase and clothes. See look I'm already breaking a sweat cause I'm so stressed," he said. I looked up to his forehead, and there was no sign that he had been sweating.

I laughed. "I'm gonna miss seeing you everyday," I said, keeping one hand on his neck, the other hand running through his soft dark hair.

"Me too, but we don't need to think about that till later," he said, pressing his lips to mine.

I savored the moment, like a French man and his wine. Pure, and tasteful. I tried to trace the pressure of his lips on mine. I tried to take a mental picture of how we stood, so close together. So close.

"We need to pack, because I want to take you to lunch before I leave," he said, turning around quickly, which made my puckered lips fall onto his back.

"Faye, did you just kiss my back?" he chuckled.

"Only because you turned around!" I said, my arms dropping to my side.

We sorted, folded, and packed his suitcase together, savoring, every moment that we had together. Spending the limited amount of time that we had with each other, as if it were our last.


Hey guys!

Okay since I am updating on my kindle... It doesn't do a word count, so I'm sorry if the chapters end up really short.

I'm also sorry for being behind on schedule. I'm so busy at this point in the summer x(. Just bear with me pleeeeeease? Just roughly another three-four weeks till I am up and running again.

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Falling for you (A Logan Lerman fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن