21// Last Days For Beaches

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The mornings in Greece were maybe the best I'll ever have. They were so much better than the ones in California, where you heard the same American voices walk past your house, walking the same dog, with the same family, at the same time. Seeing a Starbucks everywhere you look, many blonde heads running into it, than walking out looking high on coffee.

Here, things were much more original. As much as I loved Beverly Hills, there was a part of me that liked the mornings in Greece more. Sure, the sun would pour down at a hotter temperature, but you'd smell a different assortment of fruits, and feel the wonderful humid air. You'd hear the beautiful language of Greek. As in California you didn't. To add to that, Greece was the first place that I would wake up in my bed, my wonderful shirtless boyfriend right next to me, my head on his moving chest, listening attentively to his heart beat.

"Morning beautiful," he said.

"Morning. This is the second time we woke up next to each other, except you're shirtless this time," I said, raising both of my eyebrows.

"Yea. Like what you see?" he said, and I started laughing a lot.

"Yea, if that's what you want to hear," I said, lifting my head off of his chest, half of my head warmer than the other.

"No really. Do I turn you on?" he said giving me seductive smirk.



"Okay I'm getting up. What you wanna do for our last day in Greece?" I asked.

"Well our parents are going to be back in an hour. Maybe when they come back we can go to the beach," he suggested.

"Good idea. But be prepared for Lucas and I to cover you in sand so you can't get up, that is if you fall asleep."

"No, if that happens I'm throwing you in the ocean again."

"Like I said yesterday. If I'm going down, you're coming down with me," I said.


I got up, and walked to my drawer, and picked a black fringe bikini. Logan was still laying on my bed, his hands behind his head, simply watching me. Not in a creepy stalker kind of way, just looking at me, eyes half open.

"You're so beautiful, Faye," he said. I looked at him, threw my bikini on the bed, and walked over to him. I bent down and kissed him, my lips lingering on his for a few seconds, and then I pulled away, and continued what I was doing, which was looking for a bikini cover up.

"Thank you. You're not so bad yourself though."

"You think I'm beautiful? I think the correct word you're looking for is handsome," he said cockily.

"Same difference."

I walked to my door and opened it. I looked around, and the hallway was once again deserted. "No ones in the hallway. I think this is a perfect opportunity to escape my room, before anyone sees."

"Alright if you want to get rid of me that bad," he said making a sad face, getting up to meet me by my door. I laughed and kissed him again. He then walked away into his room, and closing the door.

I walked out of my room, and into the bathroom. I came out twenty minutes later feeling refreshed and happy, and light. Partly because I had just taken the best shower ever, but also because I felt the weight off my shoulders. Because I was happy.

I walked into the kitchen, and grabbed a protein shake from the fridge, because I'm lazy like that. As I sat at the island, I heard a door opening, and multiple voices fill the silent house.

"Yea actually I really enjoyed the red olives."

"Really? I like the white wine the most."

"Well Greece isn't known for wines anyway. All the wines were terrible. We should go to France next."

"Hello sweetie," my mom said, carrying a large going-away bag, three other parents following her.

"Hey mom. How was your trip?" I asked.

"Great! It was very fun."

Then my mom kept rambling on about how amazing her trip was, and I wanted to care, I really did, but I was to busy thinking about Logan. So that's when I completely tuned out what my mother was saying.

Lisa, Larry, and my dad said hello to my silently behind my mothers back, and walked away carrying their suitcases with them.

"Hey mom," Ryan said walking in.

"Hello Ryan, how were your past few days?"

"They were nice... But Lucas and I hardly saw Logan and Faye," he said. I shot him a look, my eyes wide, giving him a shut-your-mouth-or-else-I-will-kill-you look.

"Why is that?" my mom asked Ryan.

"Uhh... Ryan can you help me look for something," I said jumping from my seat and running to him, taking his arm, squeezing firmly, and marching out of the kitchen. I pulled him upstairs into my room.


"What the hell Ryan!" I yelled.

"What?" he said shrugging, looking innocent. That bitch.

"You almost told her that Logan and I are together!"

"Wait... You two are dating now? Boyfriend and Girlfriend?" Shit, I just told him.


He started laughing hysterically. "Oh god I knew this would happen."

"What?" I said confused.

"I knew that you and Logan would end up together."

I didn't know what to say. My brother who I trusted very much just suspected that Logan and I would be together. I repeat... that bitch.

"Just be careful Faye. Logan isn't exactly the one to stick around."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, I've heard that he just, likes women, and multiple at the same time. Nothing against him, I mean he's my best friend. It's just, yea."

I was wondering what he was talking about. I could ask Logan later, or I could just hope that I was different. But what was so different about me?

"Okay thanks for the warning Ryan, Just please don't tell mom. Or dad. Or the media"

"Don't worry, your secrets are safe with me."

"So you're not mad... about Logan and I?"

"Nah, I was but I knew it would happen for a while now, so I learned to accept it," he said.

"But what would happen if we didn't get together? It would just be wasted feelings."

"I think I can live with that."

I smiled and said," Get out of here Ryan. We're leaving for the beach in a half hour."

"Okay. Don't wear anything to sexy. Or else if Logan gives you a look I'll have to pound on him. Just a little bit," he said walking out smiling at me.

I have the weirdest family ever.

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