37//Frank The Musical Genius

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Dedicated to Shani de Wit for being a very awesome person

"Where are we going?" I asked as Logan pulled me into a forest. Sun rays shined through the leaves, the refreshing cool air circling around us, tickling the inside of my nose. We ran through the rows of trees, and the rays were glistening on Logan's dark hair.

The summer was coming to a close, which in some way made me sad. This was the summer that changed me. This was the summer that I fell in love, and it was sad to think that it would be over soon. Logan was also leaving for six months. No wonder I was sad.

I really didn't want him to leave. He etched his way into my heart, and I could never let him out again.

"Wait, we're almost there," he said, stopping abruptly, causing me to bump into him. I laughed, and he smirked.

"Just can't keep 'em off."

He walked, his head jerking from side to side, to in front of him, and behind him, me receiving a smile every time he laid his eyes on me. "Aha!" he said, and started running again.

Finally, he pulled up to a field. A huge field, the carpet of white flowers glowing with the sun shining on them. In the middle of the field, there was an elegant rectangular table, and two matching white chairs. In the middle of the table, there was a small vase, with three light pink flowers poking out of the opening.

Logan stopped walking at the mouth of the forest. The place where the forest and the field met.

"Remember?" he said, looking at me, granting me my wish of seeing his smile. I smiled and bit my lip. We weren't in the same country in where we had our first date, but that didn't matter. The statues weren't there, and it wasn't nearly as warm, but I was here with him now. And I couldn't have asked for more.

"Were not here to eat though," he said pulling me deeper into the heart of the field. He pulled out his IPod, and started to play Frank Sinatra's 'Love Looks So Well On You'. He remebered that older songs cheered me up.

Like moonlight looks on a country side

Like a rose that's silvered with dew

Like sunlight looks on a meadow

Love looks so well on you

He wrapped his arms around my waist as Frank sang his pleasant words. I linked my hands behind his neck, and we started swaying back and forth to the warm jazzy music.

Something to know about the phenomenal Frank Sinatra: It doesn't matter what song he sings, just as long as he has his jazzy voice (It does help if the song is about love, too) sings, I grantee you will feel warm and fuzzy inside. You will feel as if your heart is melting. You feel like cuddling up in your really big sweater your boyfriend gave you (or a big sweater in general), and smiling. Add someone you love to this, and you are the happiest person in the world.

Like children look on a carousel

All the joys they feel shining through

Like picnics look on a Sunday

Love looks so well on you

I was so caught up in the moment, and I didn't realize that Logan and I were both singing, our noses touching, or foreheads resting on each others.

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