13// Running and Suspicious Therapy Sessions

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I woke up early the next morning, but early enough for me to be allowed to say that I was past my jet lag. No one else was awake yet, which meant that the house was very quiet, but I could hear the snores of my dad echoing off of my parent's bedroom wall.

I was feeling like crap though. I felt like the weight was back on my shoulders, and every time I thought about Logan, I felt nervous, and embarrassed. I felt like I needed to cry. I'm obviously very emotional sometimes.

I changed into sports clothes, because I was going to go run. Runners who run are normally happier, and that was the case with me too. Some hormone that gets released, or something.

I took my IPhone, put on some good running music, put my head phones in, walked out of the house, and started running. I ran, and thought about nothing else. I let the wind blow against me, and it carried an ocean scent with it, which made my running easier. I didn't think about Logan. I didn't think about how if I was with him, he would probably break my heart. I didn't think about the future, or past. Just the present. Just the here and now.

I reached the beach, and I ran in the wet sand, the small grains tickling my toes, and the wetness of the sand making it even harder, but I didn't care, because I was unstoppable. So I started running faster. I ran as far as my legs and lungs would take me, and then I started to run back. I ran until this big figure ran into me.

"Shit really? Can't you look where you're going?" I yelled, clearly not in the mood to interact with anyone. I looked up and it was Tyler, carrying his surf board, but that wasn't the thing that hit me, it was just him. "Oh sorry... I didn't know it was you," I said.

He laughed,"You seem to be in a good mood today," he said sarcastically.

"Yea... I know," I said looking down, feeling bad because Tyler was a nice person.

"Do you want to grab a coffee with me? Then you can tell me about all your problems and worries, doesn't that sound great," he said.

"The hell? Dude I just met you. I'm not going to tell you whats on my mind."

"I'm really good with advice. I wanna be a therapist when I grow up," he said hopefully.



"Just let me change first," I said reaching the house again, it's halls still deserted. I walked into mt room and changed into a dark blue maxi skirt, and a light pink crop top, only being able to see a bit of my stomach.

I walked out of my room, and found Tyler admiring the house's bookshelves, with no books because we had to rent it. Weird. He turned around, and said, "You look nice. Ready to go?"


So we walked to the cafe Tyler said he's been going to since he was thirteen, and he was seventeen now, almost like me. We walked into a small but comfortable 'room', with small round wooden tables, and wooden chairs. The counter had a display of all sorts of mouth-watering looking pastries, and the smell was just as painfully good. The cashier said something in Greek, which I obviously couldn't understand. Tyler replied something, turned to me and asked me what I wanted. I didn't know, cause the menu was in Greek.

"There's Oreo frappuccinos ," he said, and I said a thousand times yes... cause Oreo.

We sat down at the table in the corner near the window, our order coming a few minutes later.

"So, hi I'm Tyler," Tyler said.

"I know who you are," I said extremely confused.

"I know, but out first time meeting kind of sucked, so... nice to meet you," he said sticking out his hand for me to shake.

"Okay... Hi, I'm Faye," I said taking his hand and shaking it.

"So tell me what's up," Tyler said.

I paused, still wondering what the hell to say, and if I should say it. I felt like Tyler was the only person I could talk to, even if we just met.

"Have you ever liked someone, but you don't really know how to deal with it or what to do because you've never been in that situation before?" I said.

"This is about Logan isn't it?" he said.


"Faye, i'm sorry this is the worst advice anyone can give you, but follow your heart. It's so unoriginal, I know, but its the best way.

"Right..." I said taking the final sip of my frappuccino. "Thank you Tyler, I'll try to do what you said," I said, and before walking away I said," We should hang out more, see you on the beach sometime?"

"Yea, just make sure I don't hit you again," he smiled, and I waved, walking out the door back to the beach house.

Falling for you (A Logan Lerman fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt