39//Reunions for Friends and Terrorists

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For the first time in three days, the sky decided to bless us with the wonderful gift of sun. The sun rays poured down on the concrete roads of California, and on the skin of the people walking outside with their dogs.

It was ten minutes before ten. I wore a gray 'batman' shirt with black short sleeves. I put on black shorts, yellow converse, and left my dark hair down, in hopes that it would get lighter. I avoided makeup, because in my opinion, it was annoying. I ran downstairs and took the keys for the car, so I could drive to the airport to say goodbye to Lea.

"Where are you going?" My mom asked as I grabbed the gold painted handle on our door.

"I'm gonna go say goodbye to Lea. She leaves to Pittsburgh today," I said hoping that she wouldn't ask questions.

"Lea? Why? She got you in the hospital!" She said.

"We kind of made-up. Its okay mom, she isn't gonna hurt me or something."

"Alright. Do you think that you could stop by the supermarket to get me some stuff?" she asked handing me a list of food.

I nodded. "Okay, bye mom." With that, I was out the door.

I ran to the car door, and climbed inside, and started the engine. I drove off to the airport, knowing that this might be the last time I said good bye to Lea.

The funny thing was that I felt a strange feeling in my gut. Something bad is going to happen today, I thought. I wasn't sure what it was, but something was going to happen.

I pushed that thought from my mind, and continued driving.


"Hey Lea!" I said running up to her and giving her a hug.

"Hey Faye," She said, and we both laughed. One summer and our relationship was like a roller coaster, but it was nice that we were parting on a good note.

We let go of the hug, smiles spread across our face. "You excited for Pittsburgh?" I asked.

"Not really, but I don't really have a choice. I'll get used to it though."


"Do you maybe want to go get a coffee? I mean I have ten minutes before we have to go, but whatever."

I nodded, as we started making our way to the Starbucks within the airport.

"Two vanilla frappuccinos, venti, please," I said to the person behind the counter. She took the largest size, and held a pen in her hand.

"For who?" she asked.

We looked at each other, as a smile creeped up on our faces.

"I'm Superwoman," Lea said.

I thought to myself. No way could her chosen superhero beat my chosen superhero. My smile grew even wider, and the menacing words slipped out of my mouth.

"I'm wonderwoman."

"Ah dammit Faye!" Lea said laughing. "Wonderwoman has the metal bracelets. Crap why didn't I think of her," Lea said hitting her self on the forehead.

The woman smiled, and wrote our names on the plastic cups.

"See? Wonderwoman will always be the best. I mean think about it. She can jump from places to places, and she had that golden lasso, and has the best hand to eye co-ordination, or is it wrist to eye?"

"Yea. Alright next time I'm choosing Wonderwoman," Lea said.

"That's not fair."

"SUPERWOMAN AND WONDERWOMAN," we heard the same voice call our 'names'.

We strided across Starbucks, walking as if we were real super heroines. Jumping and rolling around Starbucks to get our drinks, and depending on people's moods, they either laughed, or looked at us as if we needed to be admitted into a psychiatric hospital

We took our drinks, and paid, and walked out of starbucks, laughing way to much.

"Alright wonderwoman, I best be going now," Lea said, taking a huge sip from her cup.

"Okay," I said. I felt like I was saying goodbye to much. Only four days before, I was here to say bye to Logan.

"I'll miss you," she said, hugging me for the last time.

"I'll miss you too Lea," I said.

She walked away, around the corner with her parents, giving me one last glance, just like Logan had done.

Life is funny like that.

I walked towards the exit of the airport, the cold frappuccino in hand, slightly burning my finger tips because of the ice. However when I walked out of the airport, the icy chill of my drink comforted me, and helped me not to break into a complete sweat.

Next stop: The supermarket, I thought.

The gut feeling got stronger and stronger. I clenched my stomach. Am I sick? Is it my stomach? I asked myself. I thought at first that I should go home; lay in my comfy bed, but the supermarket was only a thirty minutes away, and it was on the way home.

I nodded to myself, trying to shake off the pulling and clenching of my diaphragm. I started driving towards home, towards the supermarket.


I pulled up in the congested throat of the supermarket parking lot. The reflection of the sun on the mechanical valley of cars danced in front of my eyes. The pain in my stomach had spread to my head, and it felt like someone was constantly punching and my head and stomach.

I walked of the car, and stumbled my way to the entrance . My eyes wandered to the food I was supposed to get, but I couldn't help but notice two men dressed entirely in black sweats. Their eyes followed me as I walked. I continued to search in food heaven, walking to the other end of the supermarket to escape their gaze.

The smell of decaying and processed foods made me even more sick, but walking by the freezer section of cakes allowed me to have a narrow recovery. The cold touch of the cans seemed to get heavier and heavier the more I walked around. I'm not going to throw up, I thought.




Five gun shots

A series of screaming, and thuds of human bodies falling to the ground.

I fell, too, never being able to get the groceries that day.

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