43// Missed Lips and Heart Warming Smirks

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Happiness electrified my veins when I saw my love.

"Logan," I said again, running into his arms, feeling the marvelous heat that radiated off of him.

"Faye," he said in my ear, laughing or crying, I was never really sure which.

I let go of him, my arms still wrapped around his neck and his arms wrapped around my waist. I smiled, and I started to feel the annoying bump forming in my throat, signaling that I really, really, wanted to cry. Logan was trying to hold back a sob as well. Most people might've not seen it, but I could.

Our admirable moment ended when Logan's idiot brother started to clap his hands. "Applause for the happy couple!" he said. Everyone in their house started to follow his lead, beginning with the small sound of hands meeting, and soon into an orchestra of claps and yells and, "Awws." Logan and I shook our heads, and soon enough our eyes met once again.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming earlier?" I asked Logan, completely ignoring the 'audience' clapping. The clapping faded, however I wasn't sure if everyone had seized their clapping, or if my brain simply locked them out.

"Well, Faye, the entire concept of a 'surprise' is that you surprise the per-"

"Yea yea, I know what a surprise is," I said laughing.

He pecked me on the lips, and pulled past the large crowd of people, and lead me to the couch. He sat down, and I kicked off my shoes and sat horizontally, my legs laying over his.

"Why is everyone here?" I asked.

"Lindsey is having some, uh, wedding stuff I think," he answered shrugging.

He pecked me on the lips again, and I couldn't help but kiss him back.

"I don't understand how I survived without your lips for so long," I said.

He gave me that unbelievable, but not to mention cute, smirk that I received when I gave him a compliment. "I know. My lips are to goooood for you," he said snapping his fingers and moving his head sideways to act like a diva.

I rolled my eyes and started kissing him, and I could feel the smile that formed on his lips, as if they were saying, "I missed your lips too, Faye."

Two hours of kissing, conversations about Germany, and questions about us were asked from the families that would be soon joined together, went by and it was time to leave Logan again.

"Logan, Faye, you've been kissing for the past two hours, I'm pretty sure the nerve endings have all died by now. Please, brother, leave my bridesmaid alone. We have work to do," Lindsey said walking up to us, and pulling my arm. I tightened my grip in Logan's body, just so that I could stay with him.

"Sorry sister. You're just going to have to wait until Faye and I have finished our kissing session. And what do you mean you have 'work' to do? Faye is perfect already," he said, changing his tone of voice to make it seem like that last sentence was obvious.

I blushed, not able to meet anyone's eyes at that point.

"I know she is, but we just need to do the dress fitting and her hair, and makeup. Faye you'll see Logan tomorrow," she said pulling my arm. "Come on, Faye!"

"Lindseeey!" I complained.

"Please! We need to do some spa treatments so that you're glowing tomorrow. You and all of my bridesmaids," she said.

I hesitated. I really didn't want to leave Logan, but Lindsey wasn't going to give up, so I stood up. Just twenty four hours till you see him again. You can do this Faye, I told myself.

Before I could follow Lindsey, I turned around and kissed Logan again. However, when I pulled away, he pressed his face to mine for a very, sloppy, kiss. He pressed his tongue to my lip, and entered his tongue without any time to breathe. He curled his fingers into my hair, and I did the same, completely started by his action.

"Oh gosh. Please, get a room. But not right now cause I NEED MY BRIDESMAID," Lindsey said.

We stopped our kissing session, laughed at how mad we got Lindsey, and prepared ourselves for the one-day parting.

"I love you," he said.

"Love you too," I said and walked away from him, giving him one last wave and one last glance.


'Spa' day, was torture. Yes, I will be honest, the manicures and the pedicures and the massages were quite satisfactory, but it was absolute crap to be without Logan. While I was getting my eyebrows waxed and plucked, and getting every single hair that was on my body removed, I could've been with him.

Curse the person that created waxing.

The endless gossiping conversations that were among the other bridesmaids left me extremely annoyed, but they were all very 'down-to-earth' people. They couldn't get over my relationship with Logan.

"Is he a good kisser?" one of them asked.


"Does he have a six pack?"

"Um, well..."

"Does he have bad breath?"

"Well, not al-"

"How big is his-"

"Ladies! Leave my future sister-in-law alone, okay? I'm pretty sure Faye doesn't want to answer any of those questions, especially the last one... and to be honest I don't really want to, or need to, know that information either. Can we please just continue with the oatmeal facials?" Lindsey said, coming to my aid.

"Thank you," I mouthed to her, and she winked back at me, as if saying, "No problem sis."

The thought of marriage never crossed my mind, but when Lindsey called me her future 'sister-in-law', I had to feel the heat raising up to my cheeks. No matter what happened I knew Logan was my love... and possibly we could get married. While painting a clear nail polish on my nails, I continued to think about if Logan and got married. How I could possibly be in Lindsey's position, marrying the man I love. Not to prove anything, or for publicity, but simply because you love the person so much that you want to live the rest of your lives together as a married couple.

Simply, because of love.


I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry that took FOREVER!! Geez, how long was that? like four-five weeks?!?!? Crap. I am so incredibly sorry. If I were my normal self I would've given you ten million excuses but you guys deserve a story, and no exceptions.

Anyway happy belated Thanksgiving!! And happy Sinterklaas for all you Dutchies out there (lol dutchies xD). And happy birthday... if it was your birthday in the last century that I was gone (mine was a couple weeks ago... so yea)

One last chapter guys!!

If you want you can start asking questions, or if you have any requests for chapter 44 then go ahead and tell me!! I love your comments and your votes and your reads! (hehe i have 15K now!! You guys are amazing!!) And your shares... if you're sharing this story. Everything means a lot to me :*



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