23//Not Really Goodbye

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        I hated mornings. When I say mornings I mean when you have the reddest eyes because they can't adjust properly, and when your brain doesn't seem to process anything so you ask yourself, "Where did my brain go?" When it is so early, that the most annoying bird deliberately gives out a ear deafening cry outside your window. Five in the fricking morning.

        We were going back to California, and it was a day flight. So of course we had to leave at the crack of dawn. I had packed all my things the night before, to reduce stress, especially at that time. We got breakfast at a very civilized 'restaurant'... McDonalds. Funny how almost every place in the world has it.  

        I met everyone in front of the door, and I was the first one there because I wanted to get in the car so I could sleep.

        "Morning Sunshine," Ryan said meeting me downstairs. He had a terrible bed head, and he wore a sweatshirt and jeans.

        "Hi," I said groggily.

        "Hey," Logan and Lucas said almost simultaneously. Logan walked over to me and put an arm around my waist, and pulled me close to him, because I looked like a zombie gone wrong.

        "Woah, woah. I'm fine with you guys dating, but showing affection in front of me? Nope not okay," Ryan said putting his hand in between us so there would be a distance between Logan and I. Brothers. Logan laughed, and I blushed.

        "You kids ready to go?" Larry said joining us, his wife close behind him. We all nodded. My parents came a few seconds later.

        We left the keys on the table, and walked out into the rented car, and started our journey back home.

        We got there twenty minutes later, dragged our suitcases out of the car, and went into the airport.

~~~~~~~~~~~AN HOUR LATER (I hate doing time lapses... but I don't want to bore you with the process of being in an airport) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

        I remembered when I was a child in an airplane. I always wanted to sit by the window seat, and watch the world descend into a series of lights and small moving cars. I always felt excitement when we took off, and landed. Nothing changed. The way I felt when I was a child on an airplane hadn't changed for my age now.

        Speaking of which, my birthday was in two weeks. I'm getting old. Seventeen. Cause people would consider that as old. No... not people. Me.

        I sat on the plane. Same seat, probably not the same plane, but the same design, and same class. I sat next to Logan again, my head on his shoulder, and our fingers interlocked. I didn't feel like watching a movie, or reading, or drawing, or anything. I just wanted to have my head on Logan's shoulder, not thinking about anything, just my thoughts drifting off into space. That was the first time I felt light.

        I dozed off into a dreamless sleep, for who knows how long. All I know was that I was woken up when Logan was whispering my name in my ear, and then soon enough he wasn't whispering.

        "Faye... Faye... Faye... Faye!!" he said, each 'Faye' getting louder and louder. "Babe we're here,"

and indeed, we were landing.

        I looked outside the window and I noticed that it was night. The sky was filled with a very dark blue, our only source of light being the lamp posts, and the vehicle lights. The plane landed, and everyone walked out, unlike me... I more like dragged my feet on the floor as my head bobbed to the side.

        When we got out, we went to collect our bags, and we went to customs, and did all that airport stuff. When we finally walked out the airport, me finally waking up just a little bit.

        "How did you guys get here?" My dad asked.

        "We got here by a taxi," Lisa said.

        This wasn't the last time we would see each other obviously, their house was a ten minute walk away from our house. While our parents thought about when we would have our next rendez-vous, I spoke to Logan.

        "I guess you're off to Hollywood soon enough," I said sadly, because he was never home. He was always filming, which is why I never saw him.

        "Actually," he said, and I looked at him smiling, I guess a glimmer of hope in my eyes,"My next movie doesn't start filming until six months." Yes!

        I kissed him, because I was happy. My first relationship wouldn't hopefully just be a summer fling that happened in Greece, but it would continue... hopefully. I felt so vulnerable but at the same time I couldn't get enough of him.

        My family arranged to have dinner again in two nights time. We said our goodbyes, and walked to our cars. Finally, I was going back to the comfort of my own home.

        We loaded our car, threw our suitcases in the back, climbed in, and started to make our way home.

        We arrived at our house, and for the first time, I never was more grateful to be home. I got out of the car, took my suitcase, and walked in my house, relief spreading over my body. I was home. Finally. I walked up to my room, and the smell of almonds and flowers filled my nose. I dropped my suitcase and jumped on my bed, my body sinking into the soft mattress and blankets. I smiled. I was home. Albeit I loved Greece, and all traveling, it was always nice to know that there was some place to return to.

        I took my phone, which was able to work now and called Lea.

        "Hey Lea, what up?"

        "Oh.. nothing," she said, her voice sounding less enthusiastic than usual. Maybe she was just tired. "How's you and Logan?"

        "Uhh... great. So I just got back from Greece."

        "Yea... Are you and Logan together now?"

        "Yea, I guess."

        "Is he a good boyfriend?"

        "I think so."

        "Okay, have you guys had se..."

        "No Lea!! Why do you keep asking about Logan?" I said getting extremely annoyed. I would take any chance to talk about my boyfriend, but this was different. My normal Lea would be squealing and giggling.

        "I'm just curious, geez calm down, bitch."

        I hung up at that point. Lea never called me that, or anything for that matter. What was wrong with her?

        I decided I would go to her house the next day, to see if she was okay, even if she called me a bitch.

        My phone buzzed and I noticed I had a text from Logan.

        Logan: Goodnight Babe ;) See you tomorrow?

        Me: Sounds great babe... See you tomorrow :*

        I put down my phone, got ready for bed, and fell into an abysmal sleep





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