34// Love Returned For Tuxedos

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We were one block away from Logan's house when I really started to feel nervous. Was I doing the right thing? Should I trust him again?

Everything thought in my brain was negative, but my heart, and every other cell, organ, and bone in my body said Go for it sweetheart!

"Are you ready?" Em asked. I nodded.

"Thank you so much," I said.

"Go get him," she said again smiling.

I started to walk up Logan's porch, in my puffy purple and blue dress. No shoes, no makeup (Em gave me some makeup remover wipes as we walked, so my face could breathe), no materialistic thing to make me think about how I looked like when I saw him. My hair flowed behind me, because it was put in with at least one hundred and fifty pins, and it decided to shake them out.

I rang their door bell as my heart started to pound out of my chest. I saw a muffled person in the stained glass windows around their door walking towards it to hopefully open it. I looked at their doorknob turning, and when I looked up, I saw Logan.

His eyes were very red and puffy, and his hair was still very messy. He wore his sweats and a white t-shirt. His cheeks were stained and his lips were starting to crackle.

"Faye," he said quietly, a look of sad shock on his face, probably expecting me to yell at him.

So I did something which I didn't plan. I kissed him, and the feeling rushed through my veins, more powerful than ever. I swore I felt electric sparks spring into the air. He wrapped his arms around me trying to pull me closer, as he so eagerly kissed back. I ran my hands through his hair, and I couldn't have been more happy. I pressed my lips harder against his, and he did the same to me. We fought for each other, seeing who missed each other most, measured by how hard and passionate we kissed.

I started to pull away when he pulled me closer, and it was all my pleasure to keep kissing him. But it had to end. I pulled away again with more force so he couldn't pull me back.

"I'm so sorry Faye. I had no idea what the hell happened that morning after I woke up. All I remembered was Stella being there, and giving me a drink that was alcohol, but it tasted like there was something else in it, and then she told me after you left that she drugged it and I started freaking out and I love you so much I'm so sorry, I will never hurt you again I'm so sorry," he said quickly.

"I'm sorry too, for not hearing you out, and I didn't know she did that to you."

"No, no no. No need to be sorry, this isn't your fault at all," He said cupping my cheeks in his hands and smiling, tears filling his eyes again. He kissed me for a second and hugged me, picking me up and 'twirling' around. I laughed, as I started to tear up too.

"Who's that?" he whispered in my ear. I turned around with my arms still wrapped around him. I forgot about Em being there, but when I turned back I saw that she was crying and smiling. I smiled and turned back around, my arms around Logan's neck, his hands around my waist.

"That's Emmaline. I met her like twenty minutes ago, but I feel like she's a really good friend of mine already," I said.

"Okay. Do you want to come in maybe?" he asked.

"One second," I said starting to walk towards Em when Logan grabbed my wrist pulled me back and kissed me on my cheek. I blushed, kissed him back, and walked towards Em.

"You did NOT tell me your ex-boyfriend/ now boyfriend was Logan Lerman."

I smiled and nodded.

"Anyway I have to go now, should we meet up and like talk gossip and boyfriends and girlfriends and stuff?" she said handing me her number.

"Awesome. I'll call you," I said taking her number. She smiled, wished me luck, and walked away.

I started running towards Logan, and jumped in his arms again.

"Can I just say that you look absolutely beautiful," he said.

"Thank you, but we need to get my classy boyfriend back," I said pulling him inside his house, and leading him to the bathroom upstairs.

"Hey you guys are back together!" Lucas said starting to walk down the stairs with Lindsey.

"Yeah," I said kissing Logan on the cheek again, which made him smirk.

"Thank god," Lindsey said. "Honestly Faye, he looked, and smelled like death. He was crying and cuddling onto his teddy bear that he's had since he was four. It was kind of scary."

I laughed, and Logan glared at his sister.

I pulled him into the bathroom.

"First you need to shower. Use soap," I said starting to walk out. "A lot of it."

"You don't want to shower with me?" he pouted.

"Watch it Lerman," I said closing the door.

I walked into his room and it was so dirty, you couldn't see the tiniest piece of floor. I started to pick things up, either setting them in the trash, hamper, or back where they were. I went through his clothes and picked out dark jeans, and a shirt. I set them on his bed when he walked in, just wearing a towel.

"You cleaned my room?" he said.

"I did."

"You are seriously the best girlfriend ever," he said, walking over to me and hugging me.

"Where are we going?" he asked.

"Somewhere. Just put it on," I said walking out of his room, and grabbing a spare blanket they kept in their closet.

I asked if he was dressed, and he asked me why I cared. I rolled my eyes and walked in to find Logan in the clothes that I choose for him, but his hair was combed slightly upwards with gel so you could see his entire face, and he wore a tuxedo blazer.


"If you look as beautiful as you do now, then I can't look terrible either," he said. I laughed, and he saw the blanket in my hands.

"Hmm... Picnic?" he said smiling. I shrugged and smiled and started to walk down the stairs.

"Well if we're going to have a picnic, then we're going to need food," he said. He ran to the kitchen, and returned a few minutes later with a basket. "Since it is currently 9 pm and I haven't eaten yet, I'm bringing dinner."

I laughed, and we walked out of his house, starting to make our way to our valley under the stars.

He laced his fingers with mine. "Now that I have you, I'm never going to let you go."


Hey guys :)

So I am about to leave the country (My home, my room... my computer) for ten days, and then after that it's fifteen... NO FEAR! I have my kindle with me, so you will still get updates, BUT since I will be roaming the streets of of this place, I will be TIRED and BUSY so please don't kill me if you have gone five days without an update (trust me I won't make you wait that long)...

Also like I said before I am going to Greece sometime soon enough, and when I wrote the time when Logan and Faye were in Greece, I had never actually been there(confessions confessions). THEREFORE I will proabaly be going back and changing details. Not the story line... just the description. You don't have to look back and read it, but if you want to maybe get the feel from my *cough* Faye's point of view, then go ahead and look. I will tell you when I have changed it though.



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