14//Unwanted Feelings and Smartphones

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The entire week in Greece we did absolutely nothing. The only thing we actually did was go to the beach, and watch soccer.

My thoughts were obviously trapped inside the cage they call the unconscious mind. But it wasn't really unconscious if I knew about them. So... crap.

Today we decided to go away from the coast and enjoy the historical aspects of Greece. Athens. We would go to the Parthenon, and take pictures, and then some historical museums, and take more pictures.

I dressed into high waisted shorts, and a t-shirt, with a crochet cardigan, and black vans. I just left my hair down, I was too lazy to do anything with it.

It was late morning, and the air was filled with a tropical scent, which is weird because we were in Greece. It was a mix of grapes, pineapples, and the beach. All the windows were open, so the wind from the beach was free to roam our house.

"Is everyone ready?" Lisa yelled through the house. Everyone yelled yes, and so did I.

We all met in front of the front door, walked out, and piled into the rented car.

The relationship between Logan and I was confusingly decent, but I still felt lost. Like a doe roaming through the wrong part of the forest. Clueless and vulnerable.

For the entire week, we watched soccer and basketball, and l said that this relationship would work because we were both for L.A. Lakers, and we talked about how awesome they were. We also relaxed at the beach, and Logan fell asleep, so Lucas and I buried him in sand, and he started freaking out, and we found it quite hilarious .

"Faye?" Logan said, starring at me, corners of his mouth turned slightly upwards, and he had one eye brow raised. I snapped back to reality when he said,"What were you thinking about? I've said your name like five times already."

"Sorry," I said, unable to meet eyes with him.

"Anyway. I was wondering if you brought your camera?" he asked.

"Well no. I brought the wonderful invention that most people in the twenty first century own, which contains a camera on the front and back. Other known as a..."

"Smartphone," he said smiling, finishing my sentence. I smiled a little, looking at him, and turning away quickly, escaping his gaze.

What was wrong with me? Why do I feel so damn broken, and lonely. I never felt this way before... so why now? Logan makes me smile, makes me laugh. Makes me happy. I guess it's safe to say that I can't live without him. No...I can't live without him loving me. I simply needed him.

We arrived in Athens, and got out of the car. "Don't fall again,".Logan said, and my cheeks burned with embarrassment, and he smiled,"You're cute when you blush." With that, my cheeks were hurting so much I wasn't sure if it was even normal.

We walked around Athens giving ourselves our own personal tour. We saw the beautiful Greek citizens get on with their daily lives. We saw temples and statues. We saw the Ancient Parthenon. We smelled the traditional Greek food, and heard the funny and unusual language called Greek. The air was warm, which I guess we were used to because we were from California. We went to the Acropolis. We took countless amounts of pictures... and selfies, mostly with me in front of something historical, and then Ryan, Lucas, and Logan photo bombing it.

We walked a lot at this point, and we were feeling insanely tired, so we went to a beautiful park. We found a spot on the decaying grass, because it was really hot so all the water in the earth had evaporated. We sat down in a weird circle and we just started talking, letting our exhausted feet rest, watching the couples walking hand in hand, and children on their bikes.

I saw an ice cream van in the distance, and I offered to get some for everyone.

"I'll come with you," Logan said, "You can't carry eight ice creams by yourself." We got the orders that everyone wanted, got money, and started walking to to the truck.

"So what's up with you?" Logan asked,"You seem to be pushing me away, a week ago we were fine. Did I do something?"

"No of course you didn't... it's just..." I said, not wanting to spill the truth, but that was the only thing I desired most.

"What?" he said, obviously wanting me to to tell him what why I was acting different.

"It's just...I... I.. ugh," I said getting a lump in my throat, not being able to put together the words that were maybe the easiest to put together. Don't start crying. Not now. Not in front of him. So much for the mental pep talk, because a tear escaped my eyes, my lump growing bigger and bigger, just telling me to let go and cry.

Logan put his hand on my cheek, and rubbed the tear off my face, and more started pouring down. I just cried. I cried until I couldn't anymore. He pulled me into a hug, and I stood there, crying into his chest, taking in his scent, hearing a distant, "it's ok," and, "it'll be alright." I stopped crying soon enough. He took my hand, and walked me to a nearby empty bench, and we sat there.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked. Did I? Yes I did. Definitely. So I nodded my head and spilled.

"Logan I like you. I really like you. And I don't mean a crush that just comes and goes. I mean something that's eating me alive, like a vampire bat and a horse. And I know that we only met again a week ago, but you do something to me that makes me happier. That makes me feel completed I guess. I think about it all the time, but that's why I haven't been myself around you. I was hoping that it was something that just came and went. But it wasn't.. and I knew that, and I'm scared. Not like you would want to be with me, but...."

I was interrupted by a kiss. It took a second for me to process what was happening.

Logan's lips were on mine. They were soft. It was a small kiss, so he lightly pressed. Gentle and sweet. My breath was taken away, and my entire world froze. The birds stopped chirping, the people stopped moving. At that point he pulled away and smiled, his eyes shining in the sun, as if glitter was stuck in his iris, and I mimicked his expression.

"Faye, first of all: I've been wanting to do that since forever. Second: I've felt the same way since I was fourteen. Third: Faye, I always thought you were the most independent, funny, and beautiful girl I've ever met in my entire life, and it would make me the happiest person in the world if you let me love you."

I sat awestruck, on a bench across from Logan Lerman, the dude that just said he liked me, and that he's had a crush on me since I was thirteen.

Wow, I thought.

Falling for you (A Logan Lerman fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt