11//Concerned Parents And Whimsical Conversations

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"Oh no. Faye, Logan.. what were you doing!" my mom said, giving us a shameful look, and Lisa did exactly the same as we walked into the kitchen, leaving a trail of sand behind us.

I understood why we were being shunned. First, my hair was filled with sand and seaweed, and Logan's was just with sand.

Second, I was as dirty as hell. I'm pretty sure I saw a seagull digging in wet mud and I was still dirtier.

Third, I had a big bruise on my head. And I don't mean a small blue bruise that could pass as an inflating vein on my head. It was a bump, right on top of my eyebrow, that was about the size of a golf ball, and it's color? Yellow... and black, with a tiny bit of blue. Soon enough it would be purple, then blue, and then it would be gone. Until then I had to make sure nothing touched my bruise.

"What happened to your face?" Ryan asked, who was still sitting in the island.

"I got hit by a surfboard."

Ryan made face like, 'How does that work?' and started laughing, because my bruise had a face under it, and my face had a bruise on it.

"You guys go clean up, breakfast will be ready soon," my mom said, and we obeyed, walking into the bathroom to pick sand out of our hair, just like monkeys would with fleas.

"I call taking a shower first!" I screamed and ran to the shower.

"Fine but be quick.. I can't stand to be dirty for more than twenty minutes," Logan said acting like a snob. Acting... Oh yea he was an actor. I forgot that he was in movies, and girls followed him everywhere, and he made money doing what he did. Acting.

I walked in the shower, closed the door to the shower, and undressed there, throwing my shorts and shirt out side, and keeping my bra and underwear in the shower putting them on the side, because Logan was still in the bathroom.

I washed my hair, shaking my fingers through it to get the sand out, then using shampoo to clean it, and then I did the same with my body, washing the mud stains.

I was done in less than five minutes, so I grabbed a towel that was on the shower door, wrapped it around me, grabbed my underwear, and walked out of the shower. I took my dirty clothes and put them in the hamper, and walked past Logan, into the hallway, into the final comfort of my room.

I dried myself, dried my hair, and put on clothes. I put on a tribal printed dress, and brown flats.

I then walked to the kitchen, the tv on, my brother, Lucas, Lisa, and my mom watching Brazil against France. Their eyes were glued to the tv, so I casually took a waffle, and walked outside to the hammock, nibbling on it.

"You know waffles taste better with butter and syrup," Logan said, walking outside into the huge back yard, which had a big tree that even I could easily climb.

"Yea... but how about people that don't like syrup or butter?" I asked.

"Well then they're missing out," he said, "I'm just saying, things are better when they're in the full package. Like, waffles and butter, pancakes and chocolate chips."

"Can you refer to something that isn't food?"

"Like a football team without it's quarterback, like Percy and Annabeth.. Like you and me."

I looked at him, and he laughed.

"Geez relax! I'm referring to us as friends," he said smiling, taking a bit of my waffle, and then I laughed, because we would be great friends. But somewhere in my head, I knew I wanted more. I knew I wanted to feel that feeling when he touched me. To blush because he called me beautiful. To love him...


Hey guys!

So I have to be honest this isn't one of my best chapters... I don't know why, I'm just not proud of it.

Anyway I'll just keep this short because I normally don't like reading author's notes either.

I update this story at random times. I update one day, and then another one comes out in 34 hours or something. The only thing is, I'm not done with school yet, and I have a lot of crap tests and assignments.. so if don't post during the week, I'll post an update sometime during every Saturday. It probably won't happen, but if it does... then I've warned you.

My school ends in like three weeks, and then it's summer, and I'll post a lot then obviously.



Btw did anyone watch The Netherlands against Spain yesterday? 5:1. So we fricking won!!! Revenge against Spain for what happened in South Africa. Good job Holland!

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