8// Disappointing Enjoyable Dreams

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I dreamt of Logan. I dreamt that I was a fully grown woman, who had had a broken heart before. Who had built a barrier between herself and the world. There was only one person who could save her from the depths of loneliness. Only one person who would fight every demon that was in that barrier, to get to the beautiful valley, with a beautiful waterfall. Logan. Logan was the person who would fight for me. Haha keep dreaming Faye.

Psychology is an interesting thing. Sigmund Freud (a psychologist) once said that the mind is split up into three parts. The conscious and subconscious, the parts of the mind in which we are aware of, the part where we talk, which includes our memory. The id, ego, and super ego, which isn't important here, and finally, the unconscious mind. The funny thing about the unconscious mind is that it can only be unlocked through hypnosis, and dreams (think of a treasure chest, that is locked, and is filled with emotions and feelings that you probably dont know you have.) This part of the mind are the unknown feelings. Feelings you didn't know you had, perhaps. I created the barrier because I was scared, but my soul was the beauty, that he fought for.

I thought about this. I only met Logan today. Sure I was attracted to him, but that didn't mean that I liked him. No, I didn't 'like' him, I was just attracted to his face and his body. Yea.. that must be it.

I decided to stay in bed, because it was late. The tv said 3:05. If I went back to sleep, it would help my jet lag. But I couldn't go back to sleep, and I couldn't stay in my bed. I walked out of my room, and stepped into the pitch black hallway. I didn't really know what my intention was, because now I was just standing the hallway. Just standing there. What the hell do I do now? I thought to myself. Then, and only then, did I notice Logan standing at his doorway, eyes half open and in his plaid pajama pants, with no shirt. It took fricking willpower to not look at his abs, so I just turned and looked at my feet.

"How long you've been standing there?" I asked.

"Long enough to think that your possessed, which you aren't, so great."

"Can't sleep?"

"Nah, it's 17:10 in California now. Wanna watch tv in my room?" he said in the most drowsy way possible.

I would've said no, but I didn't feel like lying in my bed looking at my ceiling, so I just said yes, and we sat in his bed, watching the fifa world cup, The United States against Germany, cheering every time the U.S. scored, and booed every time the opposite happened.

We sat shoulder to shoulder, hip to hip, toe to toe, although there was some difference, because he was taller than me. His warmth radiated off his body, comforting my cold one.

When the game was over, 3-0, I was kind of asleep, in Logan's arms once again. However I was still conscious. I started to pull away when Logan pulled me closer.

"Let me take you to your room," he said and I didn't object.. I was too tired. He picked me up bridal style, and I got that feeling again. Was it butterflies? I guess so.

He reached my room, and set me gently on my bed, pulling my blanket up to my shoulders. He looked sad, but his eyes were filled with want, especially when he looked at me.

"Goodnight Faye," he said, having that sad look.

"Night Logan," I said, smiling to him, and poking his stomach to cheer him up, and he chuckled, swatting my hand away. He stood next to my bed for a moment, looking at me, then slightly smiled, and walked away.


The only thing I wanted more than anything, was just to hold her. So she would be mine. I wanted to kiss her before I went back to my room.

Geez Logan you're losing your cool. I just reunited with my best friend and his sister, and now the only thing I can think about is her. Before I saw her, I was fine, flirting with almost every girl that came across my path.

The only thing is, I liked her before I saw her again. I started liking her when I was fourteen, and she was thirteen. Except she was more grown up this time. More beautiful. More mature. More lovable.

The tv was still on, showing the next game that would be played next. Ghana against the Netherlands. I started watching it, with less interest because I didn't know much about both countries.

I found myself getting more fatigue. My eyes drifted from the tv, to the ground, to my chest, as I fell, once again, asleep.

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