27// Relationships That Promote Nausea

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It was late afternoon when I walked into the living room and found my brother with Stella. And believe it or not, they were kissing, and cuddling, and saying gross remarks like,"Aww your nose is so cute," and," No your nose is cute."

Of course since I had a boyfriend I wasn't supposed to think that it was gross, but only my brother's relationships with Stella, was maybe the grossest thing in the world.

"So you guys are back together... again," I said with no interest.

"Yep, and stronger than ever," Stella said, her eyes glued to Ryan's.

I shook my head and walked back upstairs to my room, and looked at my phone.

Text from Logan (2)

Text from Lea (20)

I checked Logan's first because I wasn't bothered to look at Lea had to say

Hey Babe <3 You ready to go to dinner tonight?

Wear something nice... ;)

I texted back: Sure thing :*

Then I braced myself to look at Lea's texts. I wasn't sure why I hadn't blocked her yet.

You're a stupid bitch

You're such a fricking asshole... what the hell is your problem. You chose Logan over me? What in the actual fricking hell?

You better watch your back bitch... I'm out to get you.

And so it went on... The on going texts of Lea's undying hate for my guts, and how I should go to hell, and how I made a mistake choosing Logan, and how she is "out to get me". I blocked her, so I wouldn't have to read the childish threats.

I walked to my closet, and started to sort through it to see what I should wear for the dinner with the Lermans tonight. It's times like this when I wish I had a best friend, but of course, she was probably planning my death right now. So I texted Tia if she could come over and help me.

She texted back a few seconds later, and said she would be here in five minutes.

I ruined my closet looking for the perfect clothes, which my closet seemed to have lost. I threw my clothes off their hanger and threw them on the floor. Shorts? Ruffles? Strapless? Nothing. Nothing seemed to be perfect.

I heard the door bell ring downstairs and I ran to get it.

"Bonjour Faye," she said.

I smiled and said,"You practicing your french?"

"Oui madame. Je peux parler le fracais," she said. "That means Yes ma..."

"Madame. I can speak french," I said finishing her sentence.

"It looks like you've been practicing too," she said entering.

"Nah. French is a beautiful language, which makes me want to learn it more."

"Speaking of beautiful languages, how's it like having your first relationship?"

"It's... amazing," I said dreamily, because that's how it felt.

"Awesome," she said smiling and nudging my arm with her elbow. "And I see that Ryan and Stella are back together."

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