2// Simba and Enthusiastic Brothers

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        Our flight to Greece was in two days. Exactly forty-eight hours.

        It was eight-fifty on a Saturday, the first day of vacation, and most people my age would go and party or drink till they couldn't see straight. Nope, not me. I was in my living room at eight-fifty, watching The Lion King with my best friends. Lea, Dawn, and Tia. We were stuffing our faces with popcorn and chocolate, and singing to every song that  played

        "OH I JUST CANT WAIT TO BE KINGGGG," we sang. We sang our hearts out. Just like our group of friends would.

        An hour later the movie ended. "Well Faye, I must be going. However I have had a splendid time making your acquaintance," Tia said trying to be proper, speaking in her terrible British accent. The living room was filled with small giggles and smiles.

        I continued her joke. I stood up on the table, put a hand on my chest, and made the most dramatic face I could make. "Tia Anderson, I must thank you for your kind comment, for it was also a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I thank you very much."

        We were laughing our butts off, literally rolling on the ground. Tia left, and then Dawn, and then Lea. She was about to exit the house when she turned to me and said," Have you been thinking about Logan?"

        "No, Lea, I haven't been thinking about Logan," I snapped back.

        "Not even about how he looks?" she asked.

        "Honestly Lea... He's like some big movie star, and I'm a normal girl, with a normal life. If I would be thinking about him, I'd probably be watching his movies, and questioning what he looks like, and what his personality would be. Trust me. I have no intention of being with him. No thoughts, even. I will get his number for you, though..."

         That seemed to shut her up, as she beamed up to me. "Really?" she asked.


        "Thank you darling, I will text you later then?"

        "Yea sure."

        She hugged me, and walked back to her house.

        I walked into our kitchen, which was quite big, cause we had a big house. Not a mansion, just a house that was able to respect our personal bubble. It wasn't crowded, basically. I pulled out some vegetables, and pasta. I started to boil water, and I started to make a home-made sauce.

        I loved cooking. I've been doing it since I was thirteen, which was almost four years ago. I'd cook breakfast for my family, I'd help with Thanksgiving. I can't say that I could do extremely complicated meals, just... meals.

        My parents always arrived home late. My Mom was a lawyer, and my dad was a banker. I wondered what they were doing at that moment. My mom was probably doing evaluations, and my dad, I don't know... counting money?

        "Wow, it smells great sis," Ryan said as he walked into kitchen, and pecked my cheek. I smiled at how respectful my brother was. Most people dislike their brother, but I liked mine. Sure we have  our disagreements, and we call each other names, but we always make up. Our mom is also a lawyer, so she can make anything fair.

        "Have you started packing yet?" he asked, as he took the milk out of the fridge and poured it into a cup.

        "No, but I will tomorrow. You?"

        "Heck yes. Faye, I'm going to see my best friend in two days, and I'm extremely excited. So of course," he says, drinking the milk afterwards.

        I took two plates, checked the sauce and the pasta and put them on. I gave one to my brother, and kept one for myself. I took two knives and forks. So there we sat, eating on the island of our kitchen. Silence in between us, but we could very well hear each others thoughts.

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