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Dedicated to all of my amazing readers that have supported me through writing this story. You guys deserve everything good in this world, and I can not thank you enough for everything that you have done for me

Weddings. The wonderful time that is filled with emotions: Contentment, joyfulness, the constant reminder that you're not married. Considering my age, I really wasn't in a rush to get married. All I know is that I saw a number of Logan's great aunts crying. Not happy tears, but tears that symbolized their own loneliness.

However, as delightful as weddings are, if you are a bridesmaid of some sort, the stress of the bride is intimidatingly contagious. At one point, she can't find her shoes. When she finds her shoes she can't find her pearl necklace. Oops there goes the shoes again. The funny part was that Lindsey's bridesmaids were more stressed than she was, excluding me, of course.

"Faye, could you zip up my dress please? The other bridesmaids are to busy looking for the earrings I already have on," Lindsey said, walking up to me.

"Yea sure," I smiled. "You excited? Or nervous? Or some other emotion that brides get at weddings. I wouldn't know, I've never had a wedding," I said obviously, pulling up the zipper from her dress so that it was secure.

"Oh but you will sister. And when you do marry my brother, you will understand the indescribable feelings that I feel right now. But if I were to attempt to put it into words, I guess I could say that I'm more excited than scared. I know that he's the right person. I know that he's the person that I want to spend the rest of my life with. No doubts about that."

I smiled and nodded. "That's very cute."

She turned around to face me. "Someday, Faye, you're going to marry my brother. And you will have the prettiest wedding, and house, and you'll have the most beautiful children. I know all of this because he told me. So please, when this happens, can I be your bridesmaid?"

"Okay, okay sure," I said laughing.

"Excuse me miss? The ceremony is supposed to be starting in three minutes," the wedding director said. Lindsey nodded, exhaled a very long breath, and nodded.

"Ladies! The weddings in three minutes! Go join your groomsmen. I'm getting married!" Lindsey said to get her bridesmaids attention. Every bridesmaid cheered, including me.

Lindsey took a shot of alcohol, and turned to me once again. "You can go see your groomsman now."

"Who I'm assuming is Logan?" I said with my foot out the door, ready to sprint to my wonderful boyfriend.

"No, its the Grinch," she said in a sarcastic tone. She smiled, winked, and then shooed me off.

I smiled, and started to run around the rented beach house. I had absolutely no idea where I was going, I just let my heart lead the way to Logan. My bare feet echoed across the marble floors and white painted walls. I knew the groom and his men were on the second floor, but I had come to the conclusion that the second floor was a very big maze. I ran to the left into a long hallway, and then to the right, to the left again, and then I found myself lost. I stopped, lightly panting, looking around vigorously to see where I was.

"Looking for me?" I heard behind me. I turned and I saw the most handsome man that has ever lived. He wore a white tuxedo, and a light blue tie to accompany it. His eyes sparkled in the rays of orange sunlight, that shone through the windows, and his hair color still didn't change from its dark shade of brown.

A smile so wide spread across my face, and the same his. Passion ran through my veins as I ran to him, and he caught me in his arms, holding me in the air as we kissed.

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