40// Recovery and Skype Calls

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The sound of the police cars came forty-five seconds after it happened. I know because I counted how many seconds I had alive, until I would get shot too.

I never did.

There is something distressing about seeing someone take a bullet to the lung. A woman in her fifties next to me had fallen. She had fallen to the ground, coughed a splur of blood, and closed her eyes. It occurred to me five seconds later that she would never open them again. She would never see her grand-children grow up, or grow incredibly old with her husband. She would never see world peace in action.

Deep red blood poured out from her body, soiling her clothes and the shiny marble floor.

The last thing she saw: A terrorist; a man in black, point a gun at her lung out of revenge or anger.

Why? Why?

Deep red blood poured out from her body, soiling her clothes and the shiny marble floor.

"EVERYONE STAY DOWN," a deep voice screamed from the front of the market. My heart was thumping against the cold white floor, and it was becoming harder and harder to breathe. My bottom lip was trembling, and tears were starting to spill from my eyes.

I had seen cases like this on the news. School shooting in Connecticut. Bombing in Boston. This time it was all so close. Maybe a bit too close.

The police began the procedure of letting people out into the open again. Is it sunny, or is it raining? Or is it just night time? I thought. It seemed to be getting darker and darker. When I walked outside, it was as if the air was turning gray, or was that just my eyes?

I couldn't stop hearing the 'boom' of the gun. The screams. The curses. The bullet-to-body contact. That was all I could see, as well. It played in front of my eyes as if it were a movie. But this one was all too real.

I stepped into the car, and tried to breathe. I tried to think about something else, or nothing at all. I couldn't. I opened the window and tried to breathe in the cold graying air that stung my nostrils.

I started the engine, trying not to panic. At what? I wasn't sure.


"Oh thank god you're okay," my mom said, embracing me into a hug. Tears filled her eyes, and she had a very wide smile. "We thought you got... you know. And everything is all over the news. Oh thank god you're okay," she repeated.

My dad hugged me next, and my brother after that. I didn't know what to feel. I was happy that I could come home to my family, but that woman never would. They were happy, I however, couldn't bring a smile to my lips.

I stared blankly at my family. They had tears shining their faces, and looks of happiness and relief.

A knock came to our door, and opened. "Faye!" Em said, and took me in the largest hug I ever had in my life. But Logan's hugs beat all. "You didn't die! Thank god because I can't afford to lose a bestie," she said.

I chuckled, "Yea."

"I honestly just came to see if you were alive. Should we do something tomorrow?" she asked. I nodded, and she walked towards the door. My brother reached for the door knob, looking into her eyes, and opened the door, slightly smiling, and giving her a wink. I rolled my eyes, and climbed up the stairs to my room.

I opened my laptop, and called Logan via Skype.

"Please tell me you didn't get shot," he said. His voice sounded panicked, and worried, as if he was looking for something he lost and couldn't find.

Falling for you (A Logan Lerman fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now