10//Crippled Surfboards and Buckets of Sand

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         The hell, I thought. My vision was blurry, and I assumed I blacked out for a few seconds. I opened my eyes again, blinked multiple times , and saw a blurry bright yellow thing, which I'm sure was the sun. I still smelled the ocean, and I felt the warm air of the Mediterranean trapping me, the hot sand burning through my skin.

         I heard a distant voice. Voices, actually.

         "Shit, you hit her with a fricking surfboard!" a voice said, who was probably Logan.

          "Dude I'm sorry," said another voice that I didn't recognize. I looked up, searched for the voices, and then felt stupid because they were right beside me. " See look she's fine," the voice said again.

           "She has a bruise on her head," he mumbled, "Faye, are you ok?"

           "Mehhuunuhhh," I said... obviously losing my ability to speak.

           My eye sight was better now, I saw Logan, with a worried look again. I shifted my eyes to the guy towering above me. He had dark thick hair, a tall forehead but you couldn't tell because of his bangs. His eyes were blue, but not as pretty as Logan's. He had thin lips, and a chin dimple. He had a nice body too... not like I was looking. "I'm Tyler, the guy that hit you with my surfboard," the guy who now identified himself as Tyler said.

          "Faye, the girl that got hit by your surfboard"

          "Faye we should get back to the house, I think our mom's should be back by now," Logan said. He had put on a shirt.

          "Alright, but you need to give me a piggyback cause I can't stand up straight," I said, trying to get up again, but failed because I had become conscious about the fact that the world was spinning. I looked up and saw Tyler smirking. "Hey listen dude, you weren't the one that got hit by a surfboard," I said jumping onto Logan's back, putting my head down on his neck, because I had the blessed curse of a head ache. Logan started walking to the house, and Tyler walked with us.

          "You know it was an accident, I'm sorry," Tyler said.

          "No it's ok... Hey you're not from here right, you sound American," I said.

          "I'm half American, half Greek."

          "Oooh cool."

          "Not really."

          "Listen, if I can make even a half European friend, it's fine with me."

          He laughed. I laughed. Logan smiled, still having that worried look. I took some sand out of my shirt and put it down his, and he squirmed.

          "Cheer up would you? I'm fine, it's just a headache, it's not like I have amnesia." Thank God, I thought.

          "No Faye I'm fine," he said.

          "No you're not. Not at all," I said back.

          Tyler looked uncomfortable, so I said,"You are dismissed." He smiled, and started running, he waved at us too.

           "So what's wrong?" I asked, sliding down his back because I felt better.

           "No... just to much sun."

            We were silent until we got to the house. I looked down and resisted to grab the waving piece of flesh, bones and blood, mostly known as a hand, to cheer him up... but also to know what it feels like.. to have someone hold your hand, which was new because I wasn't really into love.


Hey guys!

So I wasn't going to do these just yet but I've noticed that I've been getting more readers so here I am. I hope you guys are enjoying this fanfic, cause I'm enjoying writing it.

Of course I'm open to any and all feedback, and I encourage it too. In all ways possible I want to make my story better. I also know that I have a lot of typos, but I'm writing these on my tablet so bear with me. I'll edit everything when I can.

One more thing... Who of you are watching the World Cup?? I know its totally off topic, but i'm curious. Comment if you are, and tell which team you want to win. HUP HOLLAND!! and Brazil, and the U.S. XD.



Btw: If you haven't already read her fan fiction I also recommend "Fixing you". It's one of the best fanfictions ever read and it's by Mia32286. Thanks again!


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