7// The Land of Olives and Feta Cheese

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It was a half an hour until we had to land, and Logan woke me up. I slided the window cover up and was taken aback by the beauty of Europe. It was so beautiful. The sun sparkled on the clear blue water, and the pale sand looked warm. I could see the beauty of Athens. The people working in the olive gardens, the little children running around on their bikes.

Logan looked over my shoulder, and Ryan did the same, and then Lucas tried. Many 'wows' and 'ohs' escaped from their mouths.

I looked at them and smiled. Our vacation has almost officially started.

Our plane started towards Athens airport. I put my seat up right, and waited for the plane to land, which only took about five minutes.

The seat belt sign came off when the plane came to a full stop. Everyone stood up, and I waited so that I was able to get off the plane. I grabbed my carry on, and followed my family of the plane, the Lermans close behind.

When we got out of the airplane tunnel, we went straight to baggage claim, which took about 15 minutes. After that, we went to customs and, thank god, Greece had no problems letting Americans into the country. We walked out of the airport, where we found a man with our name's on a piece of paper. We walked up to him and he asked it was us, and we said yes. He lead us to the car.

I was feeling sticky and gross at that point. You know when you've been traveling for a long time, and you just felt like taking a shower and crawling into bed? That's how I felt now, and I was in no mood to be around people, especially if I had a gross odor wafting of me.

The ride to our beach house was twenty minutes, and it took all of my energy to not close my eyes and fall asleep.

When we got there, I tried to get out of the car, and fell, because I'm the most clumsy person in the world. Logan was the only one who saw... thank god. I heard him laugh, and very hard, so I too, smiled at my clumsiness

"You alright?" he asked helping me up, holding firmly on my arm, and firmly on my waist. I know it's cliche, but I felt different when he touched me. A feeling that I knew I wanted more. For him to hold me longer.

"Yea I'm fine," I said chuckling, and looking into his eyes when I was up. He was still holding onto me. "Thanks."

"No problem," he said softly, smiling a little. I smiled back.

"You guys gonna get your suitcases, or should I get them for you?" we heard Larry say. Logan let go of me, and our staring session was over. We walked to the trunk, and Logan grabbed my suitcase for me, because he obviously saw that was to tired to even step out of a car. I thanked him and walked into the huge beach house.

It had three floors. The first floor had a living room, a kitchen, and like two bathrooms.The second floor had six bedrooms, and two bathrooms. The third floor had the lounge. It was huge. The house was Greek styled, so the floor was mostly stone tiles, and there were pillars holding up a beautiful balcony. I walked into the room with a perfect view of the beach, and I immediately chose that room. It had a bed against the wall in the middle of the room. There was a closet, and a drawer which had a tv on top. the room was fully white, but had a cream colored carpet.

I set my suitcase on the ground next to the wall, opened it, and started to make use of my closet by putting my clothes and shoes in it.

I then made my way to the bathroom and took a shower. It was refreshing, having the warm water run over me. Ten minutes later, which is not a normal time for my normal showers, I got out and changed into my pajama pants, and fell into a sleep... with dreams.

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