41//Autumn and Finding Love Again

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The fall. Its that wonderful time of the year when you wake up, push your curtain aside, and feel the colder air nip at your face. Your eyes are fed with the delicious shades of yellow, red, and brown. If you haven't noticed yet, autumn was my favorite season. However, I would always have a fondness for summer (because that was the season Logan and I got together, of course).

I laid in my bed, and my hand drifted to the necklace on my chest. The cold silver metal made me feel warm.

Just three days, I told myself. Three more days until he came back, and the thought of him coming back made me smile the biggest smile the world has ever seen. Only three days till I got breathe in his cologne in one of his star-class hugs. Only three days till I got to laugh because of his tacky jokes. Only three days till I got to feel his soft lips on mine again.

I curled up with prosperity in my white comforter, and rolled out of bed. I ditched the breakfast, and jumped in the shower, and washed the past couple days off of me. I washed the bad dreams, and the supermarket stink off my body and into the drain. The spilled blood that had made contact with my fingertips. The tears, the dirt, the bad thoughts, all vanished into the pipes. I exhaled until ninety percent of the air in my lungs mixed with the steam of my shower, and fanned out when it hit the ceiling, moving to the open window.

When the water from the shower head turned cold, I stood there until I shivered, and turned the water off. I stepped out of the shower, quickly grabbing a towel and wrapping it around me, and walking through the hallway to get to my room.

I dressed into black jeans, with a light white sweater, and a beanie, because my hair wasn't co-operating that day. I grabbed my owl bag, kissed Levi on the forehead (I received a wet sloppy tongue to my face in return) and slipped outside, and started making my way to the mall.

The sun shone bright onto the browning leaves. The air was cold but refreshing, and it carried the fallen leaves into an endless journey of flying. Swarms of birds flew south to the warmer places of the Americas, and the annoying sound of their squawking filled my ears, causing my nose to wrinkle up.

The mall was in sight, and I started to walk faster so I could see Em again.

Later on that day, I had to see Lindsey to discuss many things for the wedding that would be held in three days. I felt so happy for her. She was in love with a man that loved her, and treated her like an equal.

I entered the mall. There were mobs of younger teenage girls laughing and showing each other what they had just bought, and adults entering shops with determined looks on their faces that they were going to find something they wanted. The polished beige tiles reflected off the glass walls displaying mannequins wearing clothes.

I spotted Em sitting on a bench next to a stall where a man was selling stuffed animals. She was on her phone, with a big smile on her face.

"I hope I'm not interrupting something," I said with a big smile on my face, trying to take a small glance at her phone. She looked up and smiled back.

"Helloooo," she said standing up and engulfing me in a hug.

"Who were you talking to?" I said smirking. "In light of the fact that you were blushing and smiling and laughing and doing that thing where you put your hand over your mouth to -"

"Yea yea," she said, dragging me to a shoe store that didn't seem to even have a pair of simple flip flops.

"I was just... uh... talking to my ex," she said looking at a pair of pink pumps with spikes in the back of them.

"Ooooohh, and? How is she? Are you two getting back together?" I asked.

"Whoa slow down. She just told me that she was coming back and that we could see eachother. After that she just made me laugh. But yea I'm excited to see her again," she said.

"So the spark between you and my brother is..."

"Gone. He told me that he got a 'potential girlfriend'. I'm not really sure what that means but-"

"Wait. Did you just say that he had a girlfriend?" I asked dumbfounded.

"Potential girlfriend."

A wave of anger and hopefullness hit me. He had a girlfriend. And every girl is better than Stella. He didn't tell me. He didn't even drop hint like his stupid ass would. A million questions roared in my mind. Who was she? Was she nice? Was she worthy of being with my brother?

"Wow, he didn't even tell me," I said.

We continued shopping until we couldn't anymore. We laughed and talked until our throats hurt. After our three hour session on wondering which cardigan to buy, we finally bought both and made our way to the food court.

"So how do you feel with the whole, shooting thing?" Em asked. I had hoped that no one would ask me about that, but I decieded to be polite and answer that.

"Scarred. My hand touched her blood," I said, getting a knot in my throat again. I looked down and blinked so that I could prevent a tear from falling.

"Oh. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked," she said with a guilty expression.

"No it's okay. Honestly it's fine, you're only curious. I would be too,"I said. My leg vibrated, and I reached for my phone.

"Hi Lindsey," I said.

"Hey Faye," she said, her tone of voice giddy. There were multiple muffled voices that spoke into the phone, but I focused on Lindsey's. "Sssshhh. GUYS! SHUT UP! Anyway do you think that you could come over earlier?"

"Um, I guess so," I said.

"Great! See you soon," Lindsey said, hanging up afterwards. I grabbed my bags and stood up, and Em did the same.

"We must meet again, Darling," I said atempting to mimik Cruella De Vil's voice.

"Of course," she said laughing.

We walked outside, hugged, and made our seperate ways.

"Bye Faye. See you sometime next week?"

"Sure," I said waving, and walking towards the Lerman's house.

Why did Lindsay need me earlier?

I wasn't wondering who was at her house because, with the wedding and all, of course her house would be filled with people

I walked up to the Lerman's doors, and knocked. The noise that left the house instantly hushed.

"Come in," Lucas's voice said.

I opened the doors. The house was filled with people. People I knew. As much as I would have loved to greet them, my attention was directed to the person right in front of me.

He wore a blue button up shirt that matched his eyes, and black dress pants. He had dark raven hair, and soft pink (irresistible) lips.




My name is Kenya... You?

I'm kidding you guys :D I'm so sorry it took so long to update. I'm sad to announce that there are only two more chapters in this story left :( Yes, I will be making a sequel, but that won't be for another couple of months... BUSY BUSY BUSY!

I hope you guys enjoyed this story, but I won't say good bye to you yet

Love you!!!


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