Chapter 28

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Rose's POV:
Is he serious? God, how can he not see how false she is? Oh wait, I know. He's worse than her that's why. „Shawn." Grace whimpers, holding her cheek.

God, I didn't even slap her that hard. Glaring at me, he walks over to her examining her cheek, before he turns towards me. „What is wrong with you? Weren't you done with making people feel bad?" He questions, angrily.

"You don't even know why I did it-." „Yeah and I don't wanna know! I'll talk to Andrew about giving up to search your brother. You can't act like you own everyone here Rose! We are the ones who decided to take you with us and help you. So at least act like an adult." He scolds, stepping closer to me.

I could see the anger in his eyes, but I don't look away for a second. If he tells Andrew I have nothing to loose anyways anymore. He lost the respect I have for him as I heard that he's cheating.

He shouldn't be the one telling me to act like an adult! „I-." „No I don't care what you have to say. Not even if that's a payback for the time Grace slapped you. I surely know that she was overreacting but I didn't think that from you." he cuts me off, looking onto his watch.

"I have to go now. Grace I'll tell Geoff to drive you home. And Rose you are going to stay here." He says, looking at me one more time before disappearing trough the door. „Bye bye sweetie." Grace winks, making my blood boil. He seriously just fell for that.

"I told you I could make you leave." she adds, while walking out of the door. „Great." I mumble, plopping down onto the couch. Why is he such an idiot? I don't get it. Today afternoon he was kind of... okey. I don't even know why I have to think about him do often.

How do girls like Beth and Grace always manage to get everyone against me? Yes I regret slapping her now. I actually didn't want to be like that but she just tugged on my nerves until it was too much.

I place my elbows on my knees and hide my face i my hands. I just lost the best chance to find Nathan. Why does it bother me that Shawn told Grace about my parents?

It was never a secret but he noticed that I hate to talk about it when we were in the little restaurant that morning. Why would they talk about me? I don't even bother to look up as I hear the door click open and close shortly after.

„Rose? What happened?" I hear Ava ask, as the couch dips down slightly next to me. I sigh, turning my head towards her. „I slapped her. Don't look like that, know I shouldn't have but she just talked about... I just couldn't keep it in anymore and of course Shawn walked into the room in that exact moment." I explain, rolling my eyes.

"What did he say?" Ava asks, frowning. „He is going to talk to Andrew. Guess, I'll be back home soon." „I can understand that she made you angry but Rose, she's just like Beth. A girl who thinks she can get everything she wants.

"Don't let persons like that get to you." Ava says, clapping my head lightly. „I know... but it's too late now." I mumble. „No Rose. I don't believe that Andrew would send you home now that there are so many good articles about Shawn in the media. They don't have time to fix that without you at the moment."

„I hope so." I say. „Come on. You can help me now till the show is over." Ava chirps, pulling me off the couch. After another two hours of waiting and following Ava around the venue, the last song finally finished.

I hear the shouting of the crowd again, this time louder than before. I wonder if Geoff told the others. Do they hate me now too? They also said that they don't like Grace but I don't think that they would cheer me on for what I did. Since when do I care if they like me?

I don't... I just don't want to go home without my brother. I lean against the glass table, keeping my gaze on my shoes as I play with my fingers. I shouldn't have done it. I was so stupid to be like her. I hate girls like her but i acted the same way.

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