Chapter 32

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Rose's POV:
After bringing the suitcases in, I continue to listen to the new song. It's actually pretty good and Shawn puts really much emotion and passion in it. I heard that the name is 'She'll be the one'. I wonder it it's a made up story or if he talks about someone. Maybe Grace?

But why would she break his heart and be the light for him at the same time? Sometimes I just don't get singers with their twisted lyrics. "She'll be the one to tear me apart..." Shawn sings and his eyes meet mine like so often during the song.

I don't know why but his serious gaze makes me feel so weird but I don't look away. It's like I can't get my body to move. "That was awesome Shawn. I think we finished it." A man says, which is probably the producer. "Yeah it's awesome and I'm starving. What about we get something to eat before the photoshoot starts?" Geoff asks, and the others agree.

"Zubin and Josiah, we can get the food and bring it here." He adds, as they walk towards the door. Andrew walks out to talk to the producer and Shawn follows them since he got a phone call. Well... I stand up walking over to the guitar, which is leaning against the door to the recording room.

I wonder if I'm still able to play what I practice the past week. I turn around to make sure that they are gone before picking the guitar up and placing it on my lap as I sit down on the chair.

I start to play the part Shawn showed me on the rooftop of the hotel, slightly struggling while playing the chorus of All Of Me which I learned by myself. But it's still not that bad. I smile, closing my eyes before beginning to hum and sing some words along it. After gazing towards the door once more I start to sing along.

Even though I'm not good, it's still fun to sing for me. Especially when I remember how horribly it sounded as Nathan and I sung with my dad. "You lied." I suddenly hear, making me turn around, my cheeks flushing as I saw that Shawn is leaning against the doorway.

That wasn't because of him now... I would have blushed in front of everyone. "W-what?" I stutter. Oh god that's embarrassing. "You told me you can't sing." He grins. "I can't."

I say, putting the guitar to the side. "Well, you just sung. Everyone can sing, that doesn't have to mean that it sounds good." "Haha." I reply, rolling my eyes. "I'm kidding. Your voice is beautiful." Shawn says, walking towards me.

He grabs another chair, placing it in front if me with the back of it where he places his arms on top. "Now you are lying." I state, crossing my arms. "Why would I lie about that? You just have to be less shy. I see you practiced." Shawn smiles, grabbing the guitar, after he turned the chair so he could place it on his lap. "So now you can sing with me."

"No." "Why?" "I just don't want to. Can you finally get that in your small brain?" I question, standing up. "Oh come on." Shawn says and I could hear his footsteps behind me. "No-" I start to say but stop as I'm being turned around by my arm, my back touching the wall and Shawn directly in front of me. "Please. If you do it I owe you something."

„You already owe me something, don't forget that." I say, raising my eyebrow as he places a hand next to my head.
"Why do you want to hear me sing so badly?" "I told you. You look like someone who can sing." He responds, a slight smile tugging on his lips. "Well, you heard me today." Attempting to walk away but he places his hand lower on the wall so I can't walk by.

"Remember what I said about wanting to be a few meters away from jerks? You are cross the line." I mutter, shivering as his thumb suddenly strokes over my jaw, his fingertips resting on my neck. "Then why do you get goosebumps when I touch you?" Shawn asks.

"It's kinda cold in here." I shrug, crossing my arms in front of my chest. "What?" I question, feeling how my heart starts to beat faster. What the hell is he doing? Why am I not moving? "Why are you so nervous?"

„Why did you keep looking at me during recording?" I ask back, causing him to grin slightly. "Maybe I was looking for inspiration." Shawn says, tugging a strand of her behind my ear before his fingertips graze along my shoulder and down my arm. I don't know what got into him. Why is he doing that?

"Why don't you get inspiration from the girl from the pictures? Didn't look like Grace to me." I say, immediately regretting that I said that. Something changes in his eyes and he comes again a bit closer. "Which pictures?" "The one in the box and before you think I went trough your stuff, I didn't. The box fell out of the suitcase-"

"Well, it was Grace. There's no one else who it could be." Shawn says, narrowing his eyes. Is he angry? "Yeah... you are standing pretty near for having a girlfriend." I whisper, staring back into his hazel eyes. "Maybe... what if I wouldn't have one?" Shawn asks, grinning lightly.

"Then you would be single. Surprise." I state. He chuckles, moving his head so close to me that our noses are almost touching. What am I doing? Move. Just move Rose. "I don't know how to feel about you anymore, Rosie." He says, lifting my chin with his fingers.

I was about to reply as the door opens, revealing the others with bags of Chinese food in their hands. "What are you doing?" Geoff asks, amused. "She had my guitar pick." Shawn answers casually before walking towards the table in the connected room.

"Oh okey." He grins, looking back at me. "Yeah. I practiced playing the guitar." I say, trying to distract them with another topic.

"Shawn is an excellent teacher, right?" Geoff asks, chuckling. "Hey I learned the chorus part alone!" I defend, twisting my noodle on my fork. "Yeah that's the part that sounded bad." Shawn comments, winking. I roll my eyes, glaring at him as he shakes his head smiling.

Shawn's POV:
I look down, picking around in my food as my mind goes back to earlier. I don't know what I was doing... I completely forgot about everything around me as she looked at me. Even though she looked at me like I'm going crazy.

Maybe I'm really going crazy... I sigh, watching her as she talks to Geoff. She even smiles a few times. What a wonder. My eyes wander down to her hoodie covered wrist. She said it is from when she accidentally burned herself but I don't believe her.

Not that I care. It's her choice... but I could do something against it. This is my chance to actually do something. I could act like I didn't see but it would just be a lie...

After finishing our food I walk towards my suitcase, fishing the little black box out of it. I'm not going to make the same mistake again. "Shawn? Are you coming? We have to leave for the photoshoot." Andrew says, causing me to snap out of my thoughts.

"Yeah yeah I'm coming." I say, stuffing it back in, before heading out to the others. During the car ride I noticed how nervous Rose got. She kept biting her lip and playing around with the end of her sweater. I don't get why she's nervous. She's beautiful. I never said she's not.

"Excited?" I ask, walking behind her into the dressing room. "Yeah totally! Don't you see how happy I am?" She questions, sarcastically. "Don't smile too much or it stays on your face you know. I guess you don't want that." I tease. She just sighs following the stylist to a chair in front of the mirror.

As they do her hair and make up, I get changed into a maroon suit with a black shirt, the top buttons popped open. They fix my hair with hair glue and lead me over to a black leather couch where the shooting will be. I scroll through Instagram to pass the time till Rose is ready.

„Okey Rose sit next to Shawn. Don't worry we will help you to find the right poses." Anna the photographer for today says, making me look up.

My jaw almost drops and my eyes widen a bit as I see Rose walking towards me. She's wearing a long velvet dress which is matching my suit, a slit on the side showing her left leg and it's tight around her waist and butt, fitting her perfectly.

Her hair is half up half down, flowing over her shoulder in soft curls, the make up bringing her eyes out even more. Wow. She shyly smiles to Anna before sitting down next to me letting out a sigh.

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