Chapter 104

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Rose's POV:
"It's going to hurt only a little bit now." The nurse says as she pokes the needle which is connected to the drip infusion, into my skin.

My eyebrows furrow while she moves it around a bit to find a vein but I'm not feeling uneasy because of that... I'm honestly anxious because Shawn hasn't said one more word since we got here. Not one single word.

After he almost caused a car accident he was silent for a few moments, before he just started to drive again. Now we are here in the hospital. Me sitting on the white bed and him sitting on a chair, staring holes into the ground for for about half an hour.

The doctors checked me and it was just normal nose bleeding. A vessel probably popped while I had to throw up and that was because my body couldn't tolerate some of the food we ate at the dinner.

„Alright, now you have to wait for about 15 minutes and then a doctor is coming to talk to you. If you need anything, just press this button over there." The middle aged woman explains with a friendly smile on her face and I nod, forcing myself to return the gesture.

She disappears through the door and it falls shut behind her, leaving us in complete silence.

Shawn hasn't moved yet nor said anything and it's starting to make me feel even worse. It feels like the air I need to breath is being sucked out of my lungs as I examine his completely emotionless expression.

His eyes look so empty, making it impossible for me to see if he's angry, surprised, excited or just disappointed. Noticing that I held my breath the whole time, I let out a quiet puff through my nose.

My eyes avert to my dirty black converse since I can't bear to look at him just sitting there anymore. With every second that goes by the tension in here grows thicker and thicker and the fact that I have no clue what's going to happen kills me inside.

Will he leave me? Is there a chance that he is kind of happy about it ? Or is everything we had over forever? After all we have been through... will this be just too much? I hadn't noticed the tears trickling down my cheeks until a sob unwillingly escapes my lips, echoing through the room.

Quickly, I put my hand over my mouth to silence myself. It can't be over.... can it? I shrug as I suddenly feel a familiar hand touch my cheek.

„Hey..." he whispers, putting two fingers under my chin to lift my head. Hesitating at first, I eventually look into his eyes which are back to their lovely honey brown which I love so dearly. Shawn thumbs wipe away the falling tears, our eyes locked to whole time but I don't dare to move an inch.

„Don't cry." He quietly coos, pressing a soft kiss to my forehead. The weight that has been on my shoulders, gets a bit lighter, making me able to breath in fully.

Wordlessly, Shawn wraps his strong arms around me and I instinctively snake mine around his torso, my head resting against his warm chest and I swear this is all I need right now. I breath in his signature scent, that makes me feel at home every single time and hold him a little tighter.

„Please don't leave me..." I plead quietly, my voice quivering lightly at the thought. "Are you serious, Rose?" He suddenly chuckles, cupping my cheeks to make me look up at him. A small smile tugs at the corners of his mouth, as he shake his head.

„I would never leave you and surely not because of that." He adds and finally all the anxiety and all my worries wash away all at once. „Why would you even think that?"

„Because you haven't talked to me until now and you looked everything else but happy" I sniffle, rubbing my puffy eyes as he pulls back to look at me. „I was kind of... it's not like I'm mad but also not really... like-" Shawn sighs as he averts his eyes up to the ceiling, running his large hand trough his messy hair.

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