Chapter 12.

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"Guess we got more in common than meets the eye, huh?"

I turn my head slightly at the sound of Bellamy's voice, but quickly face forward again and quicken my pace when I realise he isn't talking to me.

"We have nothing in common." Wells replies.

"No? We both came down here to protect someone we love."

So Bellamy Blake is someone who notices the small details. Who'd have thought.

Even Clarke is oblivious to Wells' feelings for her.

"Your secret's safe with me." Bellamy continues. "Course, for you it's worse. With Finn around, Clarke doesn't even see you. It's like you're not even here."

With Finn around?

My eyebrows furrow as I mull over his words. Maybe I'm not as observant as I think I am.

Does Clarke have feelings for Finn?

Does Finn have feelings for Clarke??

I shake the thought from my mind, Finn would never do that to Raven, they've been through so much together.

I quickly look up at the blue sky beyond the trees. The Ark is up there somewhere and Finn is probably never going to see Raven again, so if he does have feelings for Clarke, is it wrong?

Of course it's wrong, we've only been on the damn ground for twenty-four hours.

"Hey!" Clarke soon comes into view after disappearing for a while, Finn right behind her.

"What is it?" I ask as the other three guys stand around us.

"We found...something."

I raise an eyebrow at her as Wells voices, "Something?"

"Blood." Finn confirms, "A lot of it, down by the river edge."

"And these." Clarke holds up Jasper's goggles, something he never usually parts with.

"River huh?" I ask, taking in their appearances, "So that's why you're both soaking wet."

Finn gives me a look and I raise an eyebrow at him, maybe he does have feelings for Clarke after all.

Clarke and Finn lead the way to where they found Jasper's blood and goggles, and I almost trip over my own feet when I notice what had them so distracted when they fist found the place.

It isn't just a river, it's a waterfall.

I stare at the water before me, gushing down the rocks into the shallow depths beneath.

It's beautiful.

"It's just water." Bellamy says from beside me, making me realise I spoke out loud. "Water and rocks."

"And I'm just flesh and bone." I turn and smirk at him. "But I'm still pretty hot."

Bellamy chuckles as he follows after me through the water, the bottom half of my legs tingling from the sudden cold.

"Confident, aren't you?"

"Well I didn't survive four years in the Sky Box by being shy."

"Four years? That's a long time."

I stay silent as we meet the others on the bank on the other side, a dull silence hanging over us all when we see the amount of dark blood contrasting the light rocks.

Jasper's blood.

"You weren't kidding when you said there was a lot." I mumbled, having to look away, the thought of what Jasper is currently enduring making my stomach churn.

I freaking hate blood.

We literally know nothing of Earth, we could get attacked at any minute by the people who took Jasper, yet here we are, winging it.

"There's a trail." Finn casts his eyes towards the trees before following it, the rest of us following him through the trees.

We stick close to the river, Finn's eyes trained onto the rocks below as he tries to stay with the trail of Jasper's blood.

"Hey, how do we know this is the right way?" Murphy asks after a while of following the trail.

"We don't." Bellamy replies, walking around to stand on the other side of me, clearly out of boredom. "Spacewalker thinks he's a tracker."

"I'd like to see you do better." I quirk an eyebrow at him.

"It's called cutting sign." Wells interrupts. "Fourth-year Earth Skills. He's good."

"You wanna keep it down or should I paint a target on your backs?" Finn calls back at us before stopping at an overhanging branch, one of the ends limp after being broken.

Finn and Clarke lower themselves to look at something and from beside me Bellamy leans closer to Wells.

"See? You're invisible."

We all stand in silence as a noise was heard from somewhere near by, resembling a sort of groan.

"What the hell was that?" Murphy asks, voicing everyone's thoughts.

"Now would be a good time to get out that gun." Clarke says to Bellamy before heading into the trees, the rest of us following after her.

We run through quickly but as quietly as possible, stopping when we reach a clearing, the source of the noise visible.


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