Chapter 26.

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I grunt as I carry a heavy log, me a couple other guys taking it over to the wall we're starting to build around the camp. I set it down and huff out a breath, wiping away the sweat from my forehead with the back of my hand and tucking a stay bit of hair that escapes from my ponytail behind my ear.

It's been a few days since the day with the fog, since I killed Atom and literally cried myself into exhaustion. When I awoke the next morning I found myself in Bellamy's tent alone, but I knew he had slept beside me. I remember everything that was said that night.

I let my eyes drift across camp, landing on Bellamy where he stands beside Murphy. I've hardly spoken to him since, and if I do then my voice is cold and hard, my face emotionless. I had a moment of weakness that evening, I thought I was unburdening my thoughts to Finn, but it turns out Finn doesn't even care how I'm feeling, he's too busy making sure Clarke is okay after Wells' death.

Wells' body was found outside the wall the morning after that day, dried blood covering his neck and two of his fingers missing. He was on watch during the night and Grounders had killed him and left his body there for us to find, telling us that they're still out there. It's why this wall needs to be built as soon as possible, we need a form of protection from them.

"Carter?" I avert my gaze from Bellamy and look over at a kid I'm helping with the log, Tim, and he nods to the log before us. "On three."

I nod and as he counts out loud to three, we lift the log up and slot it into a section of the wall, a couple girls quickly tying it down with thick wire we found in the drop ship.

I release a sigh and look around camp, it's taken us over a week to get this far, the sooner we get it done the better.

I walk through the camp towards Charlotte, where she ties together some wood.

"Hey, kid." I place a hand on her shoulder and jumps, startled by my approach. "Woah," I frown, "it's me."

"Sorry." She mumbles, looking away from me, "You just scared me a bit."

I purse my lips, over the past few days she's been really distant and on edge, it worries me. "You been sleeping okay? You know you can use my tent whenever you want, you don't need to ask."

She gives me small smile, "Thanks Carter. I've...I've been sleeping a lot better."

I nod and smile, not convinced one bit, but I know she'll talk to me when she's ready.

I look around Charlotte when Connor suddenly falls to his knees, dropping the log he was helping to carry.

"Hey!" Murphy stalks forward and I fold my arms across my chest as I watch him. "You think the Grounders are just gonna sit around and wait for us to finish the wall? Maybe we should let the little girl do the lifting for you, huh?" He points to Charlotte and my eyes narrow.

"I just need some water, okay?" Connor speaks up, "Then I'll be fine."

"You know, that's rich coming from you, Murphy." I snap. "How about you take your own advice and do some work for a change, instead of standing over there acting like you're in charge?"

"All right, that's enough." Bellamy comes over and stands beside Murphy, who avoids my burning gaze. "Murphy, get this guy some water then get to work. Hey," He calls to Charlotte, "you got this?"

She looks over at him and takes a step towards the log, but Bellamy beats her to it with a smirk on his face.

"Just kidding."

Charlotte steps back whilst Bellamy lifts up the log and places it on his shoulder, my eyes linger on him as I watch him walk away. I pat Charlotte on the shoulder and head towards the drop ship, going inside and leaning my forehead on the cool metal.

"Bad day?"

I look up at the sound of Monty's voice, and head to the back of the drop ship where he works on trying to contact the Ark.

"You could say that." I lean against the table beside him and pick up one of the dead wristbands, fingering the tiny needles. "How's it going?"

"You actually care?" Monty frowns at me and I purse my lips and shrug.

"Just curious I guess."

"Well, it's going good so far, Clarke's wristband is still working so I can use it to patch through to the Ark."

I nod absentmindedly before his words actually register with my brain, I look over at Monty to see him focused on a wristband, the needles emitting a faint blue light whereas the one in my hand doesn't.

"Wait, did you just say 'Clarke's wristband'?" I frown and put the wristband I'm holding back onto the table. "She took hers off?"

Monty sighs and nods, "I'm not one hundred percent, but I think it has something to do with her mom."

"And..." I try to choose my words carefully, "You think it'll work? You think you can get through to the Ark?"

Monty looks up at me, a hopeful look in his eye that I know he tries to hide from me. "I guess so." I nod and give him a small smile.

Clarke willingly gave up her wristband? I get that it was to help contact the Ark, but that was still risky of her, since none of the other wristbands were still functioning when they're removed. If Monty is right and something happened between her and her mom, it must be bad.

I shake the thought from my head. Who cares, Her wristband is off and there's only a slight chance it'll work to contact the Ark, just gotta hope and pray that it doesn't.

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