Something New

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I can't wait for you all to read what I have planned. I loved season one of The Flash.

Barry's POV

We rarely have nights off to act like young twenty-something-year-olds and this was a night where we could all let loose. Cisco and Caitlin are fun to be around and I'm enjoying getting to know the fun side of Anna. She even challenged everyone to tequila shots. Now I'm watching in amazement as she beats Eddie once again in a game of darts.

"Yes!" Anna screams as she removes her three darts from the center of the board. "That's three in a row Thawne."

"Damn, Anna who knew you were such a good shot." Eddie is shocked at her abilities, but I, on the other hand, have been slowly learning that Anna is someone to be amazed by. She's wickedly smart and has one of the most caring and compassionate hearts I've ever met. Sure, she still keeps her guard up but I feel that we're slowly working our way to becoming close friends.

"I guess I was just lucky." Anna states humbly.

"Girl that was more than luck, you have to give me some pointers." Iris and Anna are becoming close friends and I see that my life is falling into place. I have more friends and excitement in this last few months than I have in all my life. It can only get better from here. And before I knew it two of the most beautiful girls in the world come walking my way.

"I'm glad you invited Caitlin, Cisco and of course the amazing Anna."

"You're too sweet Iris."

"They're all cool, right?"

"Of course, we're cool Barry, science nerds have to be." Anna jokes before joining Cisco and Caitlin at their table. I break my gaze on Anna when Iris smacks my arm.

"Hey? What was that for?" I say rubbing my now sore arm

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"Hey? What was that for?" I say rubbing my now sore arm.

"I knew you had a crush on Anna." She is beaming with excitement.


"Come on Bar, I see how you kept your eyes on her the whole night. I know you think of her as just friends but from trivia night I can totally see something there She's gorgeous, smart and I can tell she is into you to." I watch as Anna laughs at a probably lame joke Cisco says and I can honestly say I've never seen something more adorable.

"How can you tell she's into me?"

"I may have asked her."

"Did she say yes?"

"Not exactly."


"But it wasn't a no. She is just guarded but that doesn't mean she won't warm up to the idea of you two being more than friends."

"I mean I would lying if I didn't say she was pretty."

"Barry, you have been smitten over her for weeks. I can tell from the time you two spend together that you are falling hard."

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