Bringing Joe Back

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Almost done with season 1!!!

Iris is surprisingly very knowledgeable about meta-humans we didn't even know about. "There have been reports of some sort of animal down in the sewers."

"Mm. Alligators." We look at Cisco not knowing what he's talking about. "C.H.U.D.S." We shake our heads still. " Am I the only one who watches movies around here?" I pat his shoulder.

"Uh, a few months ago, two sewer workers went missing. The search party reported hearing a strange animal-like noise down in the tunnels."

"Where exactly did they go missing?" Barry asks her.

"Uh, fifth avenue and tenth street."

"There's an access point to sewers about two blocks east of that intersection."  Cisco states and I start pulling up the map on the sewer system.

"I'll start there."

"Not alone. I'm coming too." Joe speaks up.

"Huh, wading through miles of rats, roaches, and human excrement...count me out." Joe gives Cisco a look. "Count me in."

"He's your monkey."

"Gorilla." I point out and Joe looks at me.

"Evolutionary speaking monkey's and gorillas are not the same. The main distinction is ape's such as gorilla's do not have tails while monkey's do." Joe and Iris' jaws drop.

"How do you people keep so much information in your brain?" Joe asks and I shrug my shoulders.

Now it's just Caitlin, me and Iris left in the lab while the guys look for evidence Grodd is the animal in the sewers. "Thanks for sticking up for me." Iris says to Caitlin.

"Of course."

"Just so you know, Barry feels really terrible about lying to you." I speak up.

"He should. You both lied." She says directing this to Caitlin and me. "Your fiancé?"

"Ronnie. Yes. Uh, I thought he died in the Particle Accelerator explosion, but it turns out he just...caught on fire."

"Oh. But he's okay?"

"Yeah, he is."

"Good. I'm glad."

"And while we're on the topic of people lying to one another. Iris, you should know my real name is not Anna Pennyworth. It's Anna Wayne."

"What? Wait...What you're a Wayne?"

"Yep." I quickly pull up data on my family.

"Why have you been going by a different name?"

"Long story short. I was apart of a League of Assassin's who want me dead and to keep my family safe I changed my name and whipped my existence from the world. I reinvented myself as Anna Pennyworth."

"League of Assassin's?"

"Yes, I have killed people Iris and no I didn't like it. I was brainwashed to think I was doing right but I was causing more harm than good."

"Why do they want you dead?"

"I betrayed them when I realized they are evil. I took something of theirs that they desperately want back."

"Wow, you This is a lot."

"Try finding it out after realizing Dr. Wells is not who he says he is and has been playing you the whole time."

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