Win or Lose

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Here's some background on Anna and almost done with season one of The Flash!!!

My time in the league was something of an eyeopener for me. I used to live this sheltered life where I knew there was bad in the world but from what I could tell no one was willing to do anything about it. For so long I believed there was no justice and that evil would only rule. All of that changed when I was recruited. At first, it felt like I was being called into something greater than myself and I would become this amazing being by just participating in the league. I had no idea how wrong I was for choosing this life. Not until it was too late. I thought the league saw my potential to do good in the world but the only thing they saw was my connection and my intelligence. They needed someone to weaponized a biological weapon that could make the world theirs and for a time being I allowed myself to be their puppet. I even fell so deep that I almost became someone I hardly recognized. But maybe that's who I am. Someone so flawed nothing could save me no matter how much I tried to correct the wrong I've done in my life. Nothing will be good enough.

While the rest of the team figured out how to deal with Wells, Barry and I work on helping Oliver out with his favor he asked of us. I open the back of my closest and pull out the armor I said I would never wear again but I'm thankful I kept it. "Whoa, what is that?" Barry asks seeing me in the new suit.

"It's what The League wears."

"I understand that but why are you wearing it?"

"Oliver asked for my help and I'm going to give it."

"Are you not coming with me?"

"No. I'm going to Starling City and you're going to save everyone from that prison."

"Wait, why aren't you coming with me?"

"This is how I help Oliver."

"I don't like this. Anna what..."

"Barry, this is my fight. I started this and I need to finish it."

"What are you going to finish?"

"The wrongdoings I've made in the name of Ra's Al Ghul."

"Let me help you."

"I can handle this on my own. Barry, you get everyone out of that prison safely and I will see you back here."

"And what if you don't make it back?"

"Then live a full and happy life Barry." I lean up and kiss his cheek.

"How are you going to get there without me taking you?"

"I'm a billionaire with a private jet. I'll get there." I wink at him and leave.

I spot Oliver and Ra's fighting one another against the dam and rush as fast as I can. With one clean shot, I fire by arrow grazing Ra's. He turns to face me and his smirk disappears. "The White Knight returns." I lower my bow and exchange it for my sword.

"I'm no White Knight." Ra's hits Oliver knocking him out.

"No, you've fallen from that title." He raises his sword and we battle one another. Our swords clashing with one another as we take hits at each other. "You could have been the best of us!"

"I want to be nothing like you."

"Have you seen what you've created and what it's doing to this city?"

"All I see is you choking on your own blood." I take a swing and I slice his leg a little.

"You've always been a disappointment."

"Is that so?"

"You've never allowed yourself to be who you truly are. You hide behind what you think you need to be. Never allow yourself to embrace what you truly are." He fights back with such force he lands a hit to my face and kicks me away. I groan in pain but I never back down. I spit the blood from my mouth on the ground.

"I've seen the destruction you've caused with my invention. I see the horror you plan to inflict on the world and I will not stand for it."

"You have no choice." He slices me in the abdomen and I flinch in pain. "You were supposed to take over for me and you left!!!!"

"I did not want to be Ra's."

"You do not get to decide that."

"Kill me but we both know you'll never do it." I egg him on seeing how far I can take him.

"You know your brother was weak too before I killed him." This angers me. He's always toyed with me about Bruce and the connection he had to The League but it won't work on me this time.

"We both know that's not true. He tried killing you and that pissed you off."

"Who would have thought my start pupil would fall from such grace?" I get up but he knocks me back down with more blows. I take each one internalizing the pain and turning it into strength. "You were nothing without me. You had no purpose. I gave you everything. And I will take it back!" He goes to stab me but I get the upper hand and take the blade from his hand. I reverse the attack and stab him in the heart. He looks at me with coldness in his eyes.

"Long live Ra's Al Ghul." I twist the sword and he falls to the ground dead. I look to the ring on Ra's finger and take it. I hear Oliver groan waking up. I bend down to help him.


"You asked for my help and here I am." He looks over and see's Ra's body dead.


"Let's get you some help." I smile at my old friend.

Nyssa, Thea, Felicity, John, and even Ray were all back at The Arrow cave waiting for Oliver. They were surprised to see me, to say the least. "Anna?" Felicity hugs me and they all can't stop looking at me in League armor.

"You have some explaining to do." Oliver says to me as I set him down to get checked on.

"You killed my father." Nyssa motions to Ra's ring on my finger.

"It was a long time coming." I say. I take it off mine and hand it to her. "Do with it as you wish."

"How...when..." Ray asks and I smile at him.

"I'm sorry for what my invention for the league caused everyone tonight. I was a different person back then and I...was blinded by the false purpose I was told when I was apart of the league. I was lost and I thought I found a place where I belong. But I know better now that I'm not that person and I never want to be her again." I take off my armor standing in just some shorts and a black shirt. "I'm working to make it a better place for all."

"Will you come out of hiding?" Thea asks me.

"I don..."

"You should." Nyssa speaks up. "My father named you the White Knight because he saw the greatness in you. You defied the league because you have pure intentions and no one can change that. The League will no longer hunt you and you can be Anna Wayne again."

"Wayne?" John asks surprised. "You're..."

"I have a lot more baggage than I let on. I haven't been Anna Wayne in a long time."

"I liked her then and I like her now. No matter what you've called yourself you're always Anna to me." Oliver stands next to me and reaches for my hand.

"I guess I'll have to learn to like her again too." I say wit a weak smile. I say my goodbyes to everyone and before I leave I pull out my phone and dial a number I haven't used in forever.


"Bruce, I'm free."  


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