Set Up

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Will Barry and Bruce ever meet?

Present time

"Anna..." Barry speaks but he's lost for words.

"Why didn't you tell us who you were? I don't understand why keep that a secret."

"I wanted a fresh start. One away from the darkness."

"But why change your name?" Caitlin asks.

"When Bruce chose to disappear I was already involved with an organization that promised with my help to bring peace to the world. I was in a dark place and believed everything they said not questioning what their actual intentions were. I did horrible things for them in the name of what I thought we believed in ."

"Who were these people?" Barry asks.

"They are known as the League of Assassins. And I'm in hiding because I betrayed them."


"They got their hands on a bioweapon that was once released in Hong Kong that killed thousands of people. The League wanted it for their own power gain and they used me to reconstruct the virus. I knew then and there I could not go through with what they wanted so I fled with it and had my identity erased. Anna Wayne does not exist."

"Who helped you erase your identity."

"My family had connections and money that helped me."

"And your family."

"My legal guardian Alfred continues to take care of the family home and Bruce for a while ran Wayne Enterprise until he left the city knowing it was a lost cause. Going into hiding was the best thing for me. I made many enemies."

"And your family was okay with this?"

"My family is complicated. Bruce made enemies of his own. Ones that have tried to harm us and he knew it was best I got a fresh start. One he could not have. I left Gotham and I have never looked back."

"Why lie to us all this time?"

"I did not want to involve you in this. I wanted to do some good after the pain I've caused. Central City was supposed to be a new start for me. I was supposed to change the world with the Particle Accelerator."

"That's how you know how to use a bow and arrow?"

"Among other things. I lost myself for a time and it wasn't until I met the three of you that I found my way."

"You've been lying to us even when you said you told us everything. If you could lie about that how can we trust you?"

"I can't force you to believe me but I had no idea about Dr. Wells. I lied about my life because I was ashamed. Unlike you Barry, you found a purpose in life that was driven by your mother's murder. I was lost. Bruce left me to go on his own journey of salvation around when Oliver was thought to have died. I went into a severe depression and I was hearing from people there was this magical place that helps people who are lost. Alfred thought I was going back to school but I sought out this organization who would make a feel whole again."

"Did Snart know about this?"

"I met Snart one time when I on a mission for the league. Snart kept getting in the way. He was the only one I shared my past with because he had his own secrets. We understood each other and formed a brief relationship from it."

"You trusted him and not us?"

"Compared to him your lives are filled with happiness and hope while his was similar to mine. And when I met you three I wanted to the Anna my parents always wanted me to be."

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