The Reverse Flash

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Get ready for revelations and mysteries to come in this chapter.

We ended up having to defuse two bombs before we could take Harkness in. Diggle needed some alone time with Lyla at the hospital which gave Caitlin and me time to run the DNA sample from the arrow that killed Sara. "Some of the STR markers on the DNA sample have degraded." Caitlin explains.

"But we have a computer back at the lab that should be able to fill in the gaps." I add.

"Thank you, Anna and Caitlin." Felicity replies to us. I know she wanted more immediate answers but this isn't the end of the road.

"We'll let you know as soon as we have the results."

"And we will call this time." I add with a smile.

"It's cool. You guys are fun." Roy pipes in with a smile on his face.

"So are you guys. Well, you could be if you realized you working under a nightclub."

"Like you go to the clubs?"

"Girl I so do. You don't know what I do in my free time."

"You play video games in your underwear."

"I" Thankfully for Cisco, Oliver walks in with Barry right behind him. "Oh, did you guys take care of business?" Cisco asks them.

"Digger Harkness is now cell mates with one Slade Wilson." Oliver announces.

"We've got a pipeline, he's got a gorgeous tropical island."

"With landmines."

"What?" I ask Felicity who didn't know we heard her.

"It's a long story." Felicity states.

We all head to leave after saying our goodbyes, but Oliver pulls me aside. "Anna, thank you for everything you've done. And I'm sorry for what I've done to you."

"Oliver, you don't have to continue apologizing."

"I need to so you understand I wanted you back in my life, but I didn't want you in danger. I kept you away because I thought it would keep you safe."

"I thank you for that. I'm happy that you've found something to do with your life and I wish you nothing but the best. I have to be honest though Oliver. You broke me when I found out you lied to me the whole time we were together, but I thank you for making me realize that happiness isn't forever."

"Why would you thank me for that?"

"I forgot what the real world was like when I was with you. I was in a fairytale where I believed nothing could go wrong, but you brought me out of my dream world and I took that as a sign to do something worthy with my life."

"I should have been better to you. I should have done things differently. I loved you deeply I really did. I was selfish back then and I..." I stop him by placing my hand on his.

"I understand Oliver. We're both not the same people we were all those years ago." I reach into my shirt and pull on my necklace. Oliver's eyes widen as he sees what I have.

"You've kept it all of this time?"

"I didn't have the heart to part with it. Part of me wanted to hate you until the end of time for cheating on me, but I loved you so much I couldn't get rid of the last thing you've ever given me." I look down at the ring on my necklace. I slip it off the chain. "Now that I've had time to heal and move on, I'm giving this back to you." I place the ring in his hand.

"Why are you hiding Anna?"

"Oliver, just like you kept me away to protect you. I'm not telling you what has happened to me to protect you. All you need to know is I'm fine. Don't worry about me."

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