Friend's Day

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Did you like season 6 of The Flash? I'm not that into it so far but maybe it will grow on me.

I startle awake expecting to feel Barry next to me but I find an empty bed. I pull on one of Barry's shirts as I follow the wonderful smell that is coming out of my kitchen. Our kitchen counter is full of all kinds of breakfast foods and Barry is whooshing around the kitchen. "Barry?"

"Good morning." He's so cheerful.

"Good morning. You're in a good mood for 6:30 in the morning."

"Yes, I am. Was I too loud? I did make breakfast. We got pancakes and waffles, some French toast, bacon, and sausage, perfectly cooked. And I picked up some of that dark roast that you love so much." He's so proud of his work and I can't believe he did this.

"Barry Allen, what has gotten into you?"

"Being with you makes me want to do things like this."

"I was just going to make toast but...I am very hungry."

"I hope so."

"I was also hoping to get in an early morning training session at the lab but..." I bite my lip remembering what kept me from doing what I initially sought out to do. "Someone gave me a very nice wake-up call." Barry speeds over forcing me to wrap my legs around his waist.

"Couldn't help myself you make me crazy in love."

"You tired me out. I thought you would be tired too but I guess...this works." Barry carries me towards the counter sitting me on it. I reach over and pick up a strawberry and dip it into some whipped cream. I take a big bite of it. Barry's grip on my thighs tighten. "You want some?" I ask him. Barry brings his hand up and lightly touches the corner of my lip whipping off some whipped cream. He licks the extra whipped cream and brings it to his lips.

"Yes." Barry slowly brings his hands to unbutton the shirt I'm wearing. My body is fire with his slow touches.

"Oh, I'm definitely starving now." I whisper to him as he brings his lips close to my neck.

"I can fix that." Barry picks me up again and I wrap my legs tight around him smashing my lips to his. Good thing he made so much food.

Barry and I made it to the lab to see it decked out with stringed up hearts and flow lanterns and twinkly lights. "Wow. What a transformation. Again!"

"So, this is H.R.'s contribution to the team? Being Martha Stewart?" Jesse asks taking in H.R.'s work.

"Guys, he's just trying to do something nice." Caitlin defends him.

"Heads up!" H.R. yells as he comes from behind us shooting a heart-shaped arrow. "I'm not really good with this kind of thing." H.R. takes the arrow from Wally who is enjoying all of this. "You know what I got to do? I got to take some lessons from that guy in the green elf suit over there in Star City, what's his name?" I burst out laughing at H.R. calling Oliver's suit an elf suit.

"Green Arrow. Hey, what is all this?" Barry asks him.

"Friend's Day!" H.R. exclaims with excitement like we're supposed to know what this is. "Ba-da!"

"What?" I ask him confused

"Yeah. Friend's Day."


"Oh, it's my Earth's equivalent of Valentine's Day."

"Valentine's Day."

"And I thought, like after you know, your success with the gorillas that we should, like celebrate the love..."

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