Nightmares Coming Alive

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Anna's POV

Kissing Barry again felt like I never left. He feels like home even after all this time. "You know, they're all watching us." I whisper to him.

"No, they..." Barry turns and sees for himself that our friends and family are indeed watching us.

"I think we need to go say hi."

"You're back for good?"

"I am." I take Barry's hand in mine and he leads us inside now that Iris has unlocked the door.

"Anna!" Cisco runs to me and I hug him. "Please stop leaving us. It's not the same without you."

"I missed you too Cisco."

"Anna." I hug Caitlin next. "It's wonderful to have you back."

"It's good to be back."

"H.R." I wave at him.

"Ms. Wayne B.A. has been lost without you." He slurs and I look to Barry.

"He's joking."

"No, he's not." Everyone says together.

"I'm sorry for disappearing and leaving you all when you needed me. I...there is a lot going on with me but...I can't face it alone. I need my family."

"We're always here for you." Iris speaks up and I smile.

"Is there eggnog?"

"Girl yas!" Cisco pulls me over to the nog and I down a whole cup.

"That is strong."

"Thank you." Joe and Cecile state in unison.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. Anna Wayne."

"Julian Albert." I raise my brow at everyone. "I see you've heard about me."

"Yeah, um not good things."

"Oh, that's..."

"Didn't you get Barry fried form his job?" I question him.

"Yeah, uh that..."

"It's alright Anna. He actually talked to the Captain and we've worked it out."

"So you two are friends?"


"Well, here Julian." I hand him a drink. "Cheers."

"Do you have to leave?" Barry asks me.

"Caitlin got a little too drunk on the egg nog. I'm her ride home." I explain to him.

"Barry, I'll come back. So don't worry."

"I know it's just..."

"I tend to leave sometimes when things get hard. I'm trying to work on that."

"Okay, so I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Of course."

"And then?"

"Barry, I'll always come back to you." I lean up and kiss him lightly on the lips.

Barry wanted me to meet him somewhere before we headed out for a late lunch. "Okay, but then we're getting cheese fries."

"Of course, but I wanted you to see something first."

"How am I going to see it if you never remove your hands. Which by the way are getting hot."

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